Home WSLM NEWS Local News Haunted Night at the Museum Oct. 29

Haunted Night at the Museum Oct. 29


Come Join the Fun at Pioneer Village at the Steven’s Memorial Museum for the Haunted Night at the Museum on Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 6:00-7:30pm.


Meadow View, Salem Crossing, Sheriff’s Department, City Police Department, Fire Department, Washington Co. Extension Office, Tri Kappa, Line Dancers, PACT, PCA, Haunted Woods/Scouts, WSLM, Salem Public Library, Steven’s Museum Staff, And Salem Parks and Rec

Once again, organizations and individuals will be handing-out candy in the “Village” behind the Stevens Museum.

Haunted woods, line dancing, surprises in store, and lots of fun!! Hope to see you there.

If you are interested in participating and need a building front to decorate, please call the Parks and Rec. Office at 812-883- 2895.

The Salem Public Library will be distributing Trick or Treat bags for the children.