Salem Police responded to a two vehicle accident this morning on State Road 60 East, sending three to the hospital.
911 was called at 11:17a after a 2009 Toyota Matrix turned into the path of a 2016 Hyundai Sonnata.
Larry King, 78, Salem was driving the Toyota and had stopped on 60 and was waiting to turn left onto Old State Road 60.
Jessica Tipton, 33, Pekin, was driving the Hyundai into Salem when King turned into her path.
Tipton continued East and hit the Cowboy’s Convenient Store sign and tore the left side pole loose from the foundation. The car also struck a telephone pole.
Both vehicles were a total loss, according to Salem Police Officer Eric Mills.
Tipton, Cheryl McMahan, 34, Salem and Tipton’s 4 year old daughter, who was restrained in car seat, were taken to St. Vincent Salem hospital where they were treated and released.
Assisting in the accident were the Salem Police Department and Washington County EMS.