Home WSLM NEWS Local News The Scott County Sheriff’s Office is Accepting Applications

The Scott County Sheriff’s Office is Accepting Applications

The Scott County Sheriff’s Office is accepting applications for Deputy Sheriff. The Sheriff’s Office is going to conduct a hiring process to compile a hiring list for projected future openings.


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(Varies / 24 Hour Public Service Operation)


21 years of age; Ability to complete required Indiana Law Enforcement Academy training

and other required training as needed; Possession of a valid Indiana Driver’s License and be in good standing with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles.


Candidates can obtain a Scott County Employment Application from the Scott County Auditor’s Office from 8:30 to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. The Application must be submitted to the Auditor’s office by 4:30 pm on October 21st, 2016.

Hiring Process

Basic Written Kills Test: After a review of applications, applicants will be contacted by phone or mail for a written basic skills test. Indiana Law Enforcement Academy Graduates will not be required to take the basic written skills test.

Physical Fitness Assessment: Applicants who receive a passing score on the basic written skills test will be invited to take a physical fitness assessment. The assessment is set to the current entrance physical fitness standards of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. Those entrance standards can be found on the ILEA website at http://www.in.gov/ilea/2338.htm.

Merit Board Interview: Applicants who receive a passing score on the physical fitness assessment will be invited to an interview with Sheriff’s Merit Board. Following the interviews, the merit board will provide a list of applicants that are eligible for hire and provide that list to the sheriff.

Background Investigation: Those candidates on the hiring list will be given a conditional offer of employment and will be required to undergo a voice stress analysis and a background investigation. The voice stress analysis will be administered by a certified voice stress analyst.

Physical Exam: Candidates that pass the voice stress analysis and the background investigation will be required to undergo a physical examination by a physician.