Who’s the strongest in Salem? Find out on Wednesday, Nov. 16 when local groups get together to pull a 15 ton fire truck.
The first annual Fire Truck Pull to benefit Special Olympics of Washington County is just around the corner. It all starts off Wednesday, Nov. 16 at the Walmart parking lot in Salem from 5-7p.
“This is the ultimate tug of war challenge,” said Becky White, WSLM Owner and General Manager.
“Teams of 15 people each will play tug-of-war with a 30,000-pound plus fire truck to help raise money and awareness for Special Olympics of Washington County.”
The team with the fastest pull time becomes Champion. Trophies and prizes will be given,
Registrations is $10 per person or $150 per team. Teams with fewer than 10 pullers will be given fill-ins.
Walk-ups are welcome in the Fire Truck Pull.
The team that pulls a fire truck over a line in the shortest time wins. In case of a tie, there will be a pull-off.
But the fire truck fights back, with the driver putting it in reverse occasionally.
“The key to having a good pull is teamwork and timing,” said White. “This is a great way to build community support by challenging your friends and family to form teams.”
The event is open to firefighters, clubs and civic organizations, high school sports teams and individuals who would like to support the Special Olympics and have a great time doing it.
White said she hopes to raise about $2000 to support the local Special Olympians to pay for their entries into regional and state competitions.
Special Olympics of Washington County provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in Olympic sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
According to Michelle DeWitt, Washington County Special Olympics Indiana Coordinator, the money raised to benefit the athletes of this county would be used to help purchase the proper clothes for competition.
“Many of our athletes do not have the proper clothing or shoes but strive to be in better physical health. Their efforts are hindered tremendously when they don’t have the proper equipment,” said DeWitt.
WSLM will be doing other fundraisers for local groups during the Walmart Grand Opening, including a Turkey Toss to benefit the Washington County Food Bank and a Pumpkin’ Chunkin’ to raise money for Shop With A Cop.
Registration forms and release forms will be available for download at wslmradio.com