A new season of Inside Indiana Basketball with Coach Tom Crean will debuted this Monday, October 31 at 7 p.m. on the WSLM 97.9 FM.
The one-hour show, hosted by legendary Voice of the Hoosiers, Don Fischer, is produced by Learfield Sports and airs on WSLM 97.9 FM, the exclusive Kentuckiana IU Sports station.
During tonight’s show, Crean told Fischer – “”The greatest announcer in the history of college basketball.”
The pair will talk about the upcoming season, which begins Tuesday night with an exhibition game against Hope College on November 1 at 7 p.m. in the newly renovated Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall.
The shows will originate from the Holiday Inn in Bloomington and will include appearances by selected IU players each episode.
Fans are encouraged to send in questions to the show via email at hoosiersradio@gmail.com.