Who’s for increasing taxes? Who’s for taking care of the infrastructure?
Find out the answers to these questions and more and get a feel for who to vote for and hear what the Washington County Government and school board candidates have to say at the WSLM Political Forum set for Tuesday, Nov. 1 from 6-8 p.m. at the Salem City Hall conference room.
The forum is sponsored by WSLM and WRLW TV and will be moderated by local attorney Tom Scifres and hosted by Becky White.
“WSLM feels very passionately about the local political scene and wants all of our area voters to be as informed as possible,” said White. “If you can’t get out to hear the candidates in their own words, then you can tune in LIVE on WSLM 97.9 FM and 1220 AM to listen to exactly what’s being said.”
The video of the evening will be aired later on WRLW 17.1 and streamed live on social media.
On Tuesday, November 8, Salem voters will elect several new and incumbent county officials. Tune in live on WSLM for live coverage of the election returns.
Larry Medlock (R) is seeking another term as Judge of the Circuit Court, unopposed.
Frank Newkirk Jr. (R) is also seeking another term as Judge of the Superior Court, unopposed.
Sarah Milligan (R) is facing Rita Martin (D) for the County Clerk position.
Current county clerk Shirley Batt (D) is running unopposed for the County Treasurer position currently held by Robert Woodward.
Rusty Fultz (R) is seeking the County Coroner position against Scott Schocke (D).
Jeff Souder (R) is seeking another term as County Surveyor, unopposed.
Running for Commissioner – District 1 is incumbent Phil Marshall (R) against challenger Charles Hamilton (D). Also, Libertarian David Norton is seeking the Commissioner seat as well.
To vote for this commissioner race you must live in Gibson, Franklin, Polk or Jackson Townships.
Rick Roberts (R) is seeking the County Commissioner District 3 seat against challenger Joe Keith Sr. (D) and Rhonda Greene, Libertarian candidate.
You must live in Brown, Vernon, Madison, Howard or Posey Townships to vote on this race.
County Council Member at Large is seeking 3 of the following candidates:
Rondale Brishaber (R), Todd Ewen (R), Gerald Fleming Sr., Troy S. Hubbard (D), Trevor Phipps (D) and Jonathan Spaulding (D).
The Town of Campbellsburg is seeking two council members and David Brown and Donnie Williams are running.
The Town of New Pekin is seeking two members of the town council and the following are running:
Shannon Anderson, Michael Bowling, George Browning and Darlene Anderson Hall.
School board members are up for election in each of the three school districts. They are:
East Washington School Corporation – Thomas Coats, Polk Twp.; Ray Ramsey, Polk Twp and Jeff Clem Jr. for the Town of Pekin.
Salem Community School Corporation is seeking 4 At Large candidates:
Mark “Bubba” Abbott (Incumbent), Rodney Brough, Erika Garloch (Incumbent), Ron Haendiges, Steve Motsinger (Incumbent), Jason Pepmeier, Aaron “Spud” Schocke and Lacy Tucker.
West Washington School Corporation is seeking one position for each township:
Aaron Dennis, Madison Twp.; Anthony Cardwell Jr. Posey Twp.; and Salvatore “Sal” Sama, Vernon Twp.
Anyone wishing to submit questions for consideration for the WSLM POLITICAL FORUM should email wslmradio@gmail.com.
Questions should not be of a personal nature and may not target an individual candidate.