Home WSLM NEWS Local News Probationary Trooper Reports for Duty at ISP Bloomington Post

Probationary Trooper Reports for Duty at ISP Bloomington Post


The 55 newest members of the Indiana State Police recently reported for duty at 14 Posts across the state.

Probationary Trooper Gabriel Bault

Probationary Trooper Gabriel Bault reported for duty at the ISP Post in Bloomington.

After 22 weeks of intense training, the 76th Recruit Academy took their oath of office to serve and protect the citizens of the State of Indiana. 

The graduation ceremony was a culmination of training in subjects including criminal and traffic law, crash investigations, emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics, firearms, and a host of other subjects related to modern policing.

Probationary Trooper Gabriel Bault is a native of Patricksburg in Owen County and a 2007 graduate of Owen Valley High School.

He graduated from Indiana University in 2014 with a Double Major in Criminal Justice and Sociology with a Minor in Norwegian.

Probationary Trooper Bault currently attends Indiana State University with 1 year left to finish his Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology with a concentration in Law Enforcement.

Bault also served in the United States Marine Corps from 2007-2011.

He and his fiancé have a daughter who is 20 months old and reside in Owen County.

Probationary Trooper Bault will continue his training for the next three months as part of the ISP Field Training Program.

The Field Training Program pairs new troopers with veteran troopers, or Field Training Officers (FTO), to allow the new troopers to take what they learned in the recruit academy and apply it in the field under the close supervision of the FTO.

user29383-1478809240-media1Upon successful completion of his field training, P/Trp. Bault will be issued his own patrol car and be assigned solo patrol responsibilities, primarily in Monroe County.