An early morning pursuit of a Kentucky police car ended south of Huntingburg in Dubois County.
Arrested and Charged was Jason Daniel Phillips, 35, Owensboro, Kentucky
- Escape, Level 5 Felony
- Auto Theft, Level 6 Felony
- Resisting Law Enforcement with a Vehicle, Level 6 Felony
- Resisting Law Enforcement, Class A Misdemeanor
At 3:35 A.M. this morning, officials from the Kentucky State Police contacted the Jasper Post to inform troopers of a pursuit coming from Hancock County, Kentucky, and entering Indiana through US 231.
According to Hancock County officials, 35 year old Jason Daniel Phillips of Owensboro, Kentucky had been placed under arrest by the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department, and was placed in the back seat of a Chevrolet Impala police car.
Phillips was able to manipulate his handcuffed wrists from behind his back to his front, and climbed through the prisoner cage into the front seat of the Chevrolet. Phillips then left the scene, leading Kentucky law enforcement on a pursuit out of Kentucky and into Southern Indiana.
At 3:46 A.M., Trooper Kurtis Blunk and officers with the Huntingburg Police Department staged on US 231 near Airport Road, south of Huntingburg, and deployed tire deflation devices as the pursuit passed them.
The police car that Phillips was driving ran over the spikes, deflating the tires and causing the car to stop. Phillips was placed into custody at 4:02 A.M. without incident and was lodged in the Dubois County Security Center.