Home Local News Police Log Lawrence County Inmate Roster – 11.28.16

Lawrence County Inmate Roster – 11.28.16

J A I L  M A N A G E M E N T
                                                      Arrest Report for Courts
                                                    11/25/2016  thru  11/28/2016
Book Date  Time      DOB      SSN            Charge         Charge          Sex  Arr Ag                  Bail       Bail Agency
                          Cause No.          Code(s)     Description(s)
11/25/2016 0900  03/14/1990 ***********                                       M                             0.00
CAZEE,LOGAN S                              00000000138 COURT COMMITMENT     Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: LAWRENCE CO      State: IN
11/25/2016 1717  12/19/1997 ***********                                       M LAWRENCE C                  0.00
LESTER,NATHAN T         ON-SITE            00000000058 THEFT                Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        ON-SITE            00000000006 LEAVING SCENE OF PD  Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: BEDFORD          State: IN
11/25/2016 2105  06/01/1987 ***********                                       M LAWRENCE C              1,133.00
EAST,SHAUN R                               00000000210 HOLD FOR ANOTHER COU Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D01-1608-CM-1039 00000000097 INVASION OF PRIVACY  Court: SUPERIOR COURT I    Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D02-1503-CM-292  00000000079 FAILURE TO APPEAR CR Court: SUPERIOR COURT II   Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D02-1503-CM-292  00000000079 FAILURE TO APPEAR CR Court: SUPERIOR COURT II   Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: SHELBYVILLE      State: IN
11/25/2016 2126  04/11/1989 ***********                                       M BEDFORD PD                755.00
CARTER,BRADLEY D        ON-SITE            00000000182 POSSESSION OF METHAM Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        ON-SITE            00000000128 POSS OF PARAPHERNALI Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: LAWRENCE         State: IN
11/27/2016 2019  09/11/1965 ***********                                       M BEDFORD PD                  0.00
BAUER,DAVID M           47D021608CM000994  00000000079 FAILURE TO APPEAR CR Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        ON-SITE            00000000005 DRIVING WHILE SUSPEN Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country:         City: DAVIEES CO.      State: IN
11/28/2016 0803  03/12/1982 ***********                                       M LCPD                        0.00
GREGORY,GEORGE          47D01-1609-CM-1152 00000000079 FAILURE TO APPEAR CR Court: SUPERIOR COURT I    Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: VICTORIA         State: TX
          Class: MISDEMEANOR