Christopher the Christmas Tree is coming to City Hall on Thursday, Dec. 1st from 7pm-8pm at Salem City Hall.
Come join Salem Parks and Rec., Salem Public Library, Hoosier Hills PACT, Prevent Child Abuse Council, and WSLM Radio to watch Christopher the Christmas Tree!
Christopher is the creation of the late George Bowers who created the character in a song, followed by a story book and finally an animated movie in the 90s.
The movie is approximately 30 minutes long and the event is FREE!!
Popcorn and other treats will be provided.
For more info, contact the Parks and Rec. office at 812-883-2895.
Salem’s Downtown Alive is set for this Friday, Dec. 2nd from 5pm-8pm, on the Salem Square and 2 blocks off.
Local downtown businesses will be open late for your shopping pleasure! WSLM will be providing Christmas music played around the square.
Participating businesses have donated gift cards and prizes for you to win!
A free card will be available with a listing all of the participating businesses. Then, go to all the businesses listed, get your card stamped and just drop it off to be entered in the contest.
The drawing for the winner of all the gift cards and prizes will be held on Monday, Dec. 5th.
The Washington County Chamber of Commerce Annual Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 3rd at 5pm! Our theme this year is Winter Wonderland!
If you are interested in participating, please go, print out the parade entry form and return to the chamber by Wednesday, November 30th.
Washington County Theater will present “Miracle on 34th Street”, Dinner Theater, with shows on Friday and Saturday evenings, Dec. 2nd and 3rd, at 7:30pm and afternoon shows on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 3rd and 4th, at 2pm.
Dinner will be served 30 minutes prior to the start of the show (7pm and 1:30pm) and will be provided by Country Cookin’. Tickets only available at the door.
Adults are $12, Students and Seniors are $10. Shows are at Hartsook Hall, 402 N. Harrison St, Salem. For more info, please call 812-620-6600.
New Hope United Methodist Church will present Nashville Recording Artist, Darla McFadden, will be appearing in concert Sunday, December 4, 10:30am at New Hope United Methodist Church, Salem.
The public is cordially invited to this encouraging service of music and personal testimony.
Darla has a gift of empathy and understanding that shine to all that have had the opportunity to hear her music or experience her ministry.