Home EDUCATION Roar Award Winners From Salem School Board

Roar Award Winners From Salem School Board


Monday night at the regular December meeting of the Salem Community Schools Board, two ROAR awards were given out.

Jamey Wilson and Greyson Brough were recognized for outstanding achievements. 

Jeremy Wilson received a ROAR Award Monday night.
Bradie Shrum Elementary School Principal Brent Minton presented Greyson Brough with a ROAR Award Monday night. Greyson is shown with his grandfather, Board President Steve Motsinger.
Proud Grandfather Steve Motsinger with his grandson, Greyson Brough, after receiving a ROAR Award from the board.
Diana Armstrong served at her final school board meeting Monday night. She received a plaque for her service as well as a crystal gavel representing the years she served as Board President.

In other business, the board accepted resignations of Ashley Trueblood as SHS Library assitant, Patty Little who retired from SMS as attendance clerk and Trina Wells who retired from Bradie Shrum as an instructional assistant. 

Those hired for extra curricular activities were: 

  • Paul Blevins – 6th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
  • Kurtis Walters – Middle School Wrestling Coach
  • Montana Wilson – Volunteer, High School basketball
  • Joe Bortka – Volunteer, High School wrestling
  • JD Rockey – Volunteer, Middle School wrestling
  • Brett Walters – Volunteer, Middle School wrestling
  • Wade Tomlinson – Volunteer, Boys and Girls Basketball

Rachel Huffaker was hired as a new Middle School Attendance Clerk, to serve through the end of the school year. 

Several donations were accepted to the school including:

  • $100 from SHS Counseling to be used for students in need of milk/lunch money.
  • $125 from the First Christian Church Women’s Group. They asked the money be used for students in need of lunch/milk money. 
  • Salem High School French Club received a $150 donation from Anthony Ooley. 

The board also passed a registered sex offender policy, prohibiting registered sex offenders from being on school property and allows for the person, when identified, to be removed and prosecuted for criminal trespass.

A student who is on the sex offender registry may be assigned alternative education, as deemed appropriate by school officials and consistent with state and federal laws. 

Limited circumstances may occur when a registered sex offender has either a right or a legitimate educational need to come upon school property. In such case, prior to entering the property, the offender must contact the principal to establish a written Individual Access and Child Protection Plan. 

The board also approved AD Hank Weedin to sell old scoreboards that were recently replaced in the main high school gym. The board deemed them useless and obsolete. Another school indicated interest in buying them. 

The board also approved to renew a 2016 General Obligation Bond CD to be renewed every 30 days at Old National Bank.

“The grant administrator with the Safe Room project suggested we keep some of the money at the school district for initial invoices and find a short term investment vehicle for the remainder until needed for construction costs,” said Kim Thurston. 

The CD would be for a little over $1.7 million and earn a .63 interest rate when maturity on January 4, 2017. Thurston received approval to renew the CD every 30 days until construction begins. 

The board also approved a conflict of interest waiver and contest between the school board, Dr. Reed and Susan Traynor Chastain of the law firm Lewis Kappes in Indianapolis. 

The firm has represented the school in the past and currently represents the school on various matter unrelated to Dr. Reed’s current contract. 

Reed received board approval through her contract to hire Chastain to represent her and draft her contract that was adopted by the board in 2011.

In a related matter, the board voted 4-3 to not extend the continuous 5 year contract clause of Dr. Reed’s current contract.

Erika Garloch made the motion, which was seconded by Mark Abbott. Becky White and Monika Spaulding voted in favor of not extending. Steve Motsinger, Diana Armstrong and Dr. Tricia Wheeler voted in favor of keeping the contract the same. 

In other business, the board also voted in favor of authorizing a retirement incentive for teachers nearing the end of their careers.

The measure, approved tonight on a 7-0 vote, gives departing teachers $20,000 to apply toward health insurance premiums and other post-retirement costs. The payout would come in a lump sum. The other option is to take $25,000 in three $8,333.33 installments for three years. 

These would both be contributed to the teachers VEBA account. 

The program aims to save the district money by replacing veteran staff at higher pay scales with potentially lower-cost replacements.

Any certified staff who submits a retirement letter to the Superintendent by 4p on March 3, 2017 and indicates their retirement effective at the conclusion of the 2016-17 school year will receive the benefit providing they retire in good standing. 

Since summer school is considered an extension of the previous school year, certified teachers who have previously taught summer school may teach summer school in 2017 without jeopardizing their ability to qualify for the incentive. 

The written intent to participate is irrevocable after 4p on March 3, 2017. 

It is not known at this time how many teachers the board expects to take the offer.