Applications are now open for students interested in participating in the Indiana House Page Program, according to State Rep. Steve Davisson (R-Salem).
While at the Statehouse, House pages spend the day touring the House and Senate chambers, the Indiana Supreme Court and governor’s office.
They also observe the legislative session directly from the floor of the House, listening to debates on important policy issues.
“The House Page Program gives students a hands-on learning experience in how state government works. Students help legislators and staff with duties and get to sit in on session for the day,” Davisson said.
“I strongly encourage students in our community to apply and take part in this unique opportunity.”
Pages are also assigned age-appropriate tasks like delivering important messages and sorting files.
To be a page, applicants should be between the ages of 13 and 18, which is typically grades 6-12. Davisson said student pages receive an excused absence from school.
Davisson also said the 2017 session begins on Jan. 4, and page positions fill quickly. To apply, visit or call 800-382-9841.
Those students who wish to page together should note that on their individual applications. House pages are scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Large groups like Boys and Girls Scout Clubs may be scheduled to page on Wednesdays.