Home WSLM NEWS Local News Hoosier Energy and partners win bid to build new transmission path

Hoosier Energy and partners win bid to build new transmission path


Hoosier Energy, in conjunction with Big Rivers Electric Corporation and LS Power, has been awarded participation in the first competitive transmission project in the Midwest.

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator, the regional transmission organization overseeing wholesale energy markets and reliability for 15 states, including Indiana and parts of Kentucky, made the announcement Dec. 20.

Republic Transmission, (a Hoosier Energy and LS Power partnership) together with Big Rivers Electric Corporation, was the winning competitive bidder among 11 proposals submitted to build the 345 kilovolt (kV) Duff-Coleman line.

Duff-Coleman will run about 30 miles through southern Indiana and northern Kentucky from the Duff Station just west of Huntingburg in Dubois County across the Ohio River into Kentucky to the Coleman Station.

The project crosses the service territory of two Hoosier Energy members, Dubois REC and Southern Indiana Power as well as Kenergy, a member of Big Rivers. Hoosier Energy will provide operations and maintenance for the Indiana segment of the project.

The Duff-Coleman line is MISO’s first competitive project under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Order 1000. FERC Order 1000 seeks to increase collaboration and competition in transmission development. Project owners construct, own and maintain the line.

“We are pleased to participate with LS Power and Big Rivers on the Duff-Coleman project, which opens a pathway for affordable, reliable power to be delivered to thousands of consumers,” said Steve Smith, President and CEO of Hoosier Energy. The line will relieve congestion on the system, bringing additional efficiencies to the competitive wholesale market.

The MISO Board of Directors approved the market efficiency project in December 2015 as part of the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan 2015 (MTEP15).  The project has a scheduled in-service date of Jan. 1, 2021.