Orange County REMC bids farewell to Journeyman Linemen Gary Cheatham and Jeff Bennett as they announced their retirement this month. Cheatham has been employed by the co-op for 36 years and Bennett for 26 years.
Over the years, both Cheatham and Bennett have experienced their share of tough power restoration work after ice storms, floods, tornadoes and thunderstorms.
They have also played the role of ambassador to the community each year at the REMC’s annual meeting, and in safety demonstrations for schools and community organizations.
“You can never make yourself or the company ready for the retirement of guys like Jeff Bennett and Gary Cheatham,” said Orange County REMC General Manager/CEO Matt Deaton.

“There isn’t a doubt that everyone at the co-op, and many of our members, are going to miss them. It is great, though, to see two people that dedicated their lives to the same company have the opportunity to retire, and now choose how they want to spend their time.”
The board of directors , management and employees all appreciate the combined 62 years of service these two linemen have dedicated to the cooperative and its members, and wish them all the best in their retirement.