Are you a 5th, 6th, or 7th grader who loves to read? Then the Washington County 4-H Book Club is for you!
Starting on Wednesday, February 15th, we will be meeting at the Purdue Extension-Washington County Office from 4:30-5:30 p.m. every Wednesday through March 22nd.
We will be reading the first book in The Land of Stories series, titled The Wishing Spell.
Participants will receive this book at no charge. Each meeting will consist of a snack, some reading time, and discussion.
To get to the Extension Office, students may be dropped off or Salem students can ride Bus 12 to the County Government Building.
Participants must be 4-H members, but do not worry, if you are not a 4-H member, we can still easily get you enrolled! Call or stop by the Extension Office for details.
Please call the Extension Office at 812-883-4601 or email Megan at to reserve your spot. Please reserve by Friday, February 10th to make sure enough supplies are ordered.
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