Home Local News Police Log Lawrence County Inmate Roster – 1.30.17

Lawrence County Inmate Roster – 1.30.17

J A I L  M A N A G E M E N T
                                                      Arrest Report for Courts
                                                    01/27/2017  thru  01/30/2017
Book Date  Time      DOB      SSN            Charge         Charge          Sex  Arr Ag                  Bail       Bail Agency
                          Cause No.          Code(s)     Description(s)
01/27/2017 0207  02/02/1960 ***********                                       F LCPD                      205.00 REL $205 CB RE
HAMILTON,TERESA J       47D02-0703-CM-199  00000000134 OTHER UNLISTED CHARG Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: BEDFORD          State: IN
                                                                                               Release Date/Time: 01/27/2017-1035
01/27/2017 0241  11/28/1972 ***********                                       M LCPD                        0.00
BUTLER,CLARENCE N       47D01-1607-F6-913  00000000148 RESISTING LAW ENFORC Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D01-1607-F6-913  00000000136 CRIMINAL RECKLESS A- Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D01-1607-F6-913  00000000056 THEFT, AUTO          Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D01-1607-F6-913  00000000006 LEAVING SCENE OF PD  Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: STATEN ISLAND    State: NY
01/27/2017 0459  11/04/1994 ***********                                       M LCPD                    2,005.00
KNIGHT,DALLAS L         ON-SITE            00000000213 STRANGULATION        Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        ON-SITE            BATTERY/DOM BATTERY/DOMESTIC     Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: LAWRENCE         State: IN
01/27/2017 1559  09/30/1990 ***********                                       M MITCHELL P                 79.00 SUPERIOR COURT
LEATHERMAN,TONY J       47D01-1610-CM-1262 00000000079 FAILURE TO APPEAR CR Court: SUPERIOR COURT I    Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: LAWRENCE, CO.    State: IN
                                                                                               Release Date/Time: 01/27/2017-1624
01/27/2017 1700  09/20/1980 ***********                                       M LCPD                        0.00 REL T/S
GRUBB,JOSHUA L          47D02-1701-CM-72   00000000138 COURT COMMITMENT     Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: BLOOMINGTON      State: IN
                                                                                               Release Date/Time: 01/28/2017-1700
01/28/2017 0316  02/19/1992 ***********                                       M LAWRENCE C                  0.00
ROGERS,JOHN T           ON-SITE            00000000001 PUBLIC INTOXICATION  Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        ON-SITE            00000000073 R.A. BY FLEEING      Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        ON-SITE            00000000072 R.A. BY FORCE        Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: BLOOMINGTON      State: IN
          Class: MISDEMEANOR
01/28/2017 1958  03/22/1985 ***********                                       M MITCHELL P                500.00
Run: 30-JAN-2017  8:54                   LAWRENCE COUNTY                                                                  Page:   2
AGENCY: 00                                          J A I L  M A N A G E M E N T
                                                      Arrest Report for Courts
                                                    01/27/2017  thru  01/30/2017
Book Date  Time      DOB      SSN            Charge         Charge          Sex  Arr Ag                  Bail       Bail Agency
                          Cause No.          Code(s)     Description(s)
AGAN,JOSEPH C           47C01-1107-JP-247  00000000078 FAILURE TO APPEAR CI Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: BEDFORD          State: IN
          Class: MISDEMEANOR
01/28/2017 2302  04/22/1995 ***********                                       M LAWRENCE C                  0.00
BROCK,CHRISTOPHER       47D02-1606-F6-697  00000000202 MOTION TO REVOKE     Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D02-1604-F6-450  00000000202 MOTION TO REVOKE     Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D02-1601-CM-57   00000000202 MOTION TO REVOKE     Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: WAYNE COUNTY     State: IN
          Class: FELONY
01/28/2017 2326  10/03/1988 ***********                                       M BEDFORD PD                305.00
CLARK,CASEY             ON-SITE            00000000001 PUBLIC INTOXICATION  Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        ON-SITE            00000000081 DISORDERLY CONDUCT   Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen?          Birth Place Not Provided
          Class: MISDEMEANOR
01/29/2017 1818  09/24/1967 ***********                                       M BEDFORD PD                  0.00
DECKARD,KENNETH B       ON-SITE            00000000058 THEFT                Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: COLUMBUS         State: IN
          Class: MISDEMEANOR
01/29/2017 2255  09/18/1988 ***********                                       F BEDFORD PD                505.00
YATES,JORDAN B          47D02-1701-CM-126  00000000127 POSS OF CONTROLLED S Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: LAWRENCE CO      State: IN
          Class: MISDEMEANOR