Home Local News Police Log Lawrence County Inmate Roster – 2-1-17

Lawrence County Inmate Roster – 2-1-17

AGENCY: 00                                          J A I L  M A N A G E M E N T
                                                      Arrest Report for Courts
                                                    01/31/2017  thru  02/01/2017
Book Date  Time      DOB      SSN            Charge         Charge          Sex  Arr Ag                  Bail       Bail Agency
                          Cause No.          Code(s)     Description(s)
01/31/2017 0018  08/14/1958 ***********                                       M MITCHELL P                  0.00 47-1
TRINKLE,HAROLD W        19D01-309-SC-1754  00000000210 HOLD FOR ANOTHER COU Court: DUBOIS CO           Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country:         City: LAWRENCE         State:
                                                                                               Release Date/Time: 01/31/2017-0940
01/31/2017 1046  06/30/1995 ***********                                       M LCPD                        0.00
DALTON,TAYLOR W         47D01-1605-F5-655  00000000204 DRUG COURT VIOLATION Court: SUPERIOR COURT I    Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: LAWRENCE         State: IN
          Class: FELONY
                       <---- PROBATION INFORMATION ---->
OLIVIA ZAJAC                                    /   -
01/31/2017 1359  07/18/1965 ***********                                       F LAWRENCE C                  0.00
PFERRER,ANGELA M        47D021502CM000184  00000000201 PETITION TO REVOKE   Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: AMBERST          State: OH
01/31/2017 1427  10/03/1981 ***********                                       M LAWRENCE C                  0.00
COULTER,MICHAEL S       47D011611F6001471  00000000203 PETITION TO MODIFY   Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D011611F6001471  00000000079 FAILURE TO APPEAR CR Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D011611F6001485  00000000203 PETITION TO MODIFY   Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
                        47D011611F6001485  00000000079 FAILURE TO APPEAR CR Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: STEWART          State: FL
01/31/2017 1814  10/21/1963 ***********                                       F LAWRENCE C                  0.00
ROBERTS,LANA                               00000000138 COURT COMMITMENT     Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: LAWRENCE CO      State: IN
01/31/2017 2250  09/14/1965 ***********                                       M BEDFORD PD                305.00
STARR,JAMES E                              00000000001 PUBLIC INTOXICATION  Court:                     Date/Time:           -0000
          Citizen? Yes      Birth Place Country: US      City: MARION CO        State: IN