Home WSLM NEWS Local News Peacock, 20, Arrested in Amish Crash

Peacock, 20, Arrested in Amish Crash


A 20-year-old has been arrested in connection with an accident earlier this week involving a hit and run with an Amish buggy.

The driver, Dalton Peacock, 20, of New Philadelphia Road, Salem, Indiana was booked in at the Washington County Detention Center and charged with one count of Failure to Stop After an Accident.

Washington County Sheriff’s Department received a tip from a concerned citizen this Friday afternoon, regarding the possible location of a silver Honda passenger car with front end damage.

The vehicle was reported to be back in the area of Blue River Road and Officers were quickly dispatched to the area.

Indiana State Police units assisted with making a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle.

The driver was taken to the Washington County Sheriff’s Department, where he was interviewed by Sheriff Roger Newlon.

The driver was cooperative and admitted to being involved in a crash on Blue River Road earlier this week.

Police obtained a list of silver and gray cars registered in the county and began searching on Tuesday and soon narrowed their search.

According to Deputy Sheriff Brent Miller, officers had found parts of the vehicle at the
scene and began checking with local body shops. By Thursday, they began publically looking for a silver or gray Honda car.

Miller said police were looking for a late 90’s model Honda passenger vehicle, silver or gray in color with an orange license plate on the front of the vehicle with “Kubota” on the license plate.

The accident happend on Monday, January 30, according to Miller. The crash was reported around 1:49 AM and occurred near 12510 E Blue River Road. 

Deputy Lucas Gray received information that an Amish buggy with two occupants were traveling south on Blue River Road, when a vehicle rear ended the buggy.

The impact ejected both occupants and caused the buggy to flip upside down.

The driver of the vehicle failed to stop and left the scene of the accident. No injuries were reported.