Indiana Conservation Officers are investigating a boat accident that occurred this afternoon on the White River at the Rockford Dam in Seymour.
At approximately 2:08 p.m. this afternoon, officers were dispatched to the area of the White River near the Rockford Dam in reference to a boat about to go over the dam that was occupied by two subjects.
Two Jackson County deputies were first to arrive on scene and quickly went into action. Deputies Joey Francis and Dustin Steward were able to utilize a throw bag to reach the boat and pull it close enough to shore for the occupants to evacuate. The boat then washed over the dam.
Indiana Conservation Officer Robert Klakamp’s initial investigation has revealed that the two occupants were fishing just above the dam when for an unknown reason, they lost power to their trolling motor. The subjects then tried to start their main engine, but their efforts were to no avail.
It was also discovered that both subjects possessed the required life jackets, but were not wearing them at the time of the incident. The events that led up to this incident are still under investigation.
Both Subjects were transported to Schneck Medical Center in Seymour in good condition and treated for mild hypothermia.
Agencies responding to the scene were Indiana Conservation Officers, Jackson County Sheriff’s Department, Brownstown Police Department, Indiana State Police, Seymour Fire Department and Jackson County EMS.
Indiana Conservation Officers would like to encourage everyone to wear their life jackets and always be mindful of the dangers when operating near or around any type of dam in Indiana waters.