WSLM RADIO has collected over 200 prom dresses and gowns as well as all accessories — including purses, shoes, gloves, jewelry and hair accessories — for the upcoming event for girls in the WSLM listening area.

“Prom season is upon us and I want all the girls in the Kentuckiana area to experience the prom,” said Becky White, WSLM Owner and General Manager. “Linck’s Clothing has been very generous in allowing me to store the dresses there and also gracious in allowing us to hold the event there again this year.”
Dresses and accessories will be given away today beginning at 2p at the store in Salem.
“I know some girls don’t have the resources to go to the prom. My goal is that any girl who wants to go to the prom, can get a dress at this event and have the chance to not only look beautiful on the outside but to have an experience that makes her feel like a princess on the inside.”
The event is free and open to teen girls in the Kentuckiana area.
Staff from Linck’s Clothing will be on hand to show off Tuxedo’s and to assist with alterations. Rita Lincks will also have purses, shoes and other prom accessories for sale.
“Girls can come in and see the latest fashions. We have over 200 beautiful dresses that are new or gently used items that have been donated. They will help make your prom night affordable and unforgettable,” said White.