Home WSLM NEWS Local News Final Weeks of Session By State Sen. Erin Houchin (R-Salem)

Final Weeks of Session By State Sen. Erin Houchin (R-Salem)


The Indiana General Assembly is in the final weeks of the 2017 legislative session. This year I have worked on several important measures that I believe will continue to promote Hoosier values and make Indiana a great place to live, work and raise a family.

Senate Enrolled Act 322 requires all individuals arrested for a felony to submit a DNA sample along with finger prints, photographs and other information during the booking process. This legislation gives law enforcement another tool to find and convict criminals, exonerate the innocent and give peace to victims and their families.

Senate Enrolled Act 404 improves Indiana’s parental consent laws for minors seeking abortions. The bill requires verified consent of a parent, guardian or custodian prior to an unemancipated minor having an abortion. A parent, guardian or custodian must be notified of a petition to waive parental consent unless a court determines notification is not in the minor’s best interest.

In addition, the bill develops a framework for creating a hotline for victims of human trafficking and coerced abortions as well as a plan for law enforcement to receive annual training on these issues. It also improves the standard of care for women at abortion facilities by requiring the Indiana State Department of Health to adopt regulations regarding licensing and post-abortion medical care. 

Senate Enrolled Act 182 protects school districts and taxpayers by limiting initial superintendent contracts to no more than a three year term, and to no more than a five year term on a subsequent contract.  It also limits contract buyouts to one year’s salary or $250,000, whichever is the lesser amount. This ensures that school districts are not obligated to fund outrageous contracts or buyouts, eliminating the “golden parachutes” we have seen in school districts across the state in recent years.  SEA 182 is a tax-payer protection measure that will help ensure education dollars are going to the classroom and to teachers.  

Each of these bills have been approved by the General Assembly and will now be sent to Gov. Eric Holcomb for his final consideration.

If you have any thoughts or questions on any of these issues, please contact me by email at Senator.Houchin@iga.in.gov or by phone at 800-382-9467.