The 79th performance test of the Indiana Beef Evaluation Program finished March 27, 2017 at the Feldun-Purdue Ag Center in Bedford.
A total of 217 bulls from nine breeds completed the test. The bulls were entered by 76 seedstock producers from Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio. Bulls were fed a moderate-energy ration during the 125-day test and daily gain for the entire group was 3.77 lbs.
The bulls are in ideal body condition for use this spring.
This is an excellent set of bulls that offer a range of performance for the economically important traits. Bull number 118 will enter the sale ring first because of his strong combination of traits. His Performance Index was 119.4. His EPD’s ranked in the top 10% of the Angus breed for birth weight, weaning weight, maternal milk, direct and maternal calving ease, ribeye area, and $W index. Angus #118 was consigned by Kiata Farms, Hamilton, OH and was sired by
Kiata Confidence 6458. Other bulls with superior balanced traits for performance and carcass merit that will sell early in the sale include Angus #100 from Drew Brown, Rockville, IN; Angus #191 from Underwood Angus Farms, North Manchester, IN; Angus #35 from Rolling Acres Angus, Freetown, IN; Angus #52 from Stewart Select Angus, Greensburg, IN; Angus #195 from Snider-Clayton Farm, Goshen, IN; Angus #86 from Big D Farms, Elizabeth, IN; SimAngus #213 from Kohli Farms, Circleville, OH; and Angus #161 from Hanlin Farms, Pennville, IN.
Beef producers looking for a high carcass merit bull should take note of Angus #64, consigned by Willer Timber Ridge, Greencastle, IN. Bull #64 had an estimated intramuscular fat of 7.11% with 0.24 inches of rib fat and a ribeye area of 11.9 square inches, for a combined Carcass Merit of 125.5.
Cattle producers looking for bulls that will add pounds, quality and value to their calves will not want to miss the sale on Thursday April 20, 2017, 6:00 p.m. at the Springville Feeder Auction, Springville, Indiana. In addition, the sale will be broadcast live over the internet through DVAuction Services. Users with high speed internet access and interested in buying or
just viewing the sale need to visit the DVAuction web site at Bulls can also be viewed and purchased at two remote sites in Indiana: the Beck Agricultural Center, West Lafayette; and the Fulton County Fairgrounds, Rochester.
A total of 92 bulls will be offered for sale (69 Angus, 9 SimAngus, 7 Hereford, 3 Charolais, 2 Red Angus, and 2 Simmental). These 92 bulls were the top indexing bulls of their breed and passed a rigorous inspection for breeding and structural soundness. Also, all bulls have been measured by ultrasound for ribeye area, backfat and percent intramuscular fat (marbling).
In addition, EPD's for birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, maternal milk, calving ease, carcass traits, and $ indexes are available to assist producers in bull selection. All bulls offered for sale have had their pedigrees inspected for ancestors carrying genetic defects. All are AMF, CAF, DLF, HYF, IEF, NHF, and/or OSF or have no carrier ancestors. Two are DDC and one is a potential carrier, but the rest are DDF or have no carrier ancestors.
Bulls may be seen at the Test Station, located at the Feldun-Purdue Ag. Center, 3 miles northwest of Bedford on SR 158 and 458 or after 3:00 p.m. on April 20 at the Springville Feeder Auction.
For additional information, contact your County Extension Educator, or Donna Lofgren, 765-494- 6439; Terry Stewart, 765-494- 0138; or Brad Shelton, Station Manager, 812-279- 8554.
Also, complete performance data and photos of sale bulls can be viewed at the Web Site: The sale catalog is online, and includes a feature which allows users to search for bulls which meet their selection criteria.