Celebrate Spring and Earth Day with Ace Hardware of Salem at their annual open house!
WSLM will be there broadcasting live from 10a-Noon with chances to sign up to win Holiday World and Cincinnati Reds tickets.
Activities include:
- 9:00-11:00 Earth Day craft for the kids
- 10:00-2:00 Bring your questions for your Porter Paints rep
- 11:00-1:00 Lunch for a donation to Imagination Library
All Day Events:
- Buy 2, get 1 free on gallons of Porter Paints interior Hi-
Hide & Silken Touch, exterior Acri-Shield and Flood exterior stain
- Bad Boy Mowers & STIHL demos
- Play Plinko for prizes and special offers
- Register for giveaways — including a $100 Ace gift card and a Craftsman push mower
While you’re at Ace Hardware of Salem this weekend, be sure and sign up for the annual WSLM – ACE HARDWARE 5K PAINT RACE to be held on Saturday, May 13 with proceeds going to Relay for Life.