Home WSLM NEWS Local News Seymour Resident Named Motor Carrier Inspector of the Year

Seymour Resident Named Motor Carrier Inspector of the Year

Mary Eglen, Seymour

Friday  at an awards ceremony held at the Indiana Government Center in downtown Indianapolis, Master Motor Carrier Inspector Mary Eglen, Seymour, Indiana was named “2016 Motor Carrier Inspector of the Year” for the Indiana StatePolice’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division.

M/MCI Eglen began her employment with the Indiana StatePolice in 1990.  Upon completing the Indiana State Police Motor Carrier Academy, M/MCI Eglen was assigned to the Seymour Post of the Indiana State Police.  In 2010, she was transferred to the Versailles Post after the Seymour Post closed.  M/MCI Eglen continues to conduct commercial vehicle enforcement primarily in Jackson County, Indiana.

According to M/MCI Kimberly Hill, Versailles District MCI Coordinator, “M/MCI Eglen is a hard worker who is continually seeking to promote the goals of the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division by striving to reduce commercial vehicle crashes by conducting quality inspections that result in unsafe drivers and vehicles being taken off the road. She also helps to reduce the damage to Indiana’s highway infrastructure through effective enforcement of Indiana’s size and weight laws.”

The primary responsibility of motor carrier inspectors is to conduct inspections of commercial motor vehicles to enforce federal and state laws and regulations in an attempt to gain compliance.  Their role as civilian employees of the Indiana State Police is vital in making sure commercial motor vehicles are operating safely on all roadways in Indiana.Seymour Resident Named Motor Carrier Inspector of the Year