Home WSLM NEWS Local News Thin Deck Overlay Slated For Area Bridges

Thin Deck Overlay Slated For Area Bridges


Indiana Department of Transportation personnel met with contractor representatives last week at Seymour District offices to review plans for installation of thin bridge deck overlays on State Road 258 and S.R. 256.   

Ragle, Inc. of Evansville, the state’s contractor for this $300,000 2-bridge project, is charged with placing 3/8-inch polymeric deck overlays at these locations:

  • S.R. 258 bridge over the east fork of White River 2.5 miles west of S.R. 11 in Jackson County near Seymour
  • S.R. 256 bridge over the Muscatatuck River 1.92 miles east of S.R. 39 at the Washington-Scott County line near Austin 

Temporary signals at either end of the S.R. 258 bridge will allow motorists to cross one-direction-at-a- time.  Work will begin June 1

The S.R. 256 bridge deck overlay is scheduled after the July 4th holiday. This operation will require a 30-day closure. 

A signed detour will reroute traffic via S.R. 39, S.R. 56 and Interstate 65.