May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and Indiana’s Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and Bureau of Motor Vehicles’ (BMV) Commissioner Peter L. Lacy are reminding all motorists to be extra alert as warmer weather means more motorcycles on our roadways.
“In my role overseeing our Office of Tourism Development, I know that cruising Indiana’s scenic byways is a favorite rite of spring for many motorcycle riders,” said Lt. Governor Crouch. “While motorcyclists have to ride defensively, people behind the wheel in cars and trucks should do their part to help keep riders safe.”
Drivers can improve their ability to avoid a crash with a motorcyclist by giving the rider extra space on the road, by not following too closely and by taking extra care to watch for motorcycles at intersections and in their vehicle’s blind spot.
“Distracted or inattentive driving has become a major problem for those who ride motorcycles,” said BMV Commissioner Peter L. Lacy. “Texting while driving is not only dangerous for drivers and their passengers, it places motorcyclists at even greater risk.”
In 2016, 98 riders were killed in motorcycle crashes in Indiana. Statistics from the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute show that in “failure to yield right of way” crashes involving motorcycles, other vehicles were at fault 85 percent of the time.
The BMV recommends that all riders, regardless of experience, wear proper motorcycle safety equipment, including an approved helmet, gloves, long pants and sturdy boots.
All riders are also encouraged to complete a Ride Safe Indiana-approved motorcycle safety course. You can learn more about how to “Rule the Road Together” or sign-up for a rider safety course at, the BMV’s motorcycle safety training website.