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Special Elections Tomorrow in Five Indiana Counties


Tomorrow, five Indiana counties will hold special elections: Hamilton, Lake, Perry, Tippecanoe and White. All are referendums on school funding.

The special elections are open to voters who live in the affected school districts.

“School funding is a critical piece of every community,” said Secretary Lawson. “If your school district is holding a referendum, I encourage you to educate yourself on the proposal and cast a vote.”

Voters may verify their polling location at www.indianavoters.com. Hoosiers who are not sure if they are registered may also confirm their registration online at www.indianavoters.com.  This information can also be accessed on the Indiana Voters app, available for iPhone and Android.

Hoosiers may also call the toll free Hoosier Voter Hotline at 866-IN-1-VOTE to speak directly to a representative for information, polling locations and to file grievances. Staff will be on hand to answer calls from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. EDT on Election Day.

Voters may also visit the Election Division’s website, www.in.gov/sos/elections, for information to additional questions, including information regarding Indiana’s photo ID law. Indiana’s photo ID law requires every voter to present a government issued ID before casting their vote at the polls. For more information on Photo ID go to http://www.in.gov/sos/elections/2401.htm

2017 Special Election


School Town of Munster, Lake County

May 2, 2017

“Shall the School Town of Munster, Lake County, Indiana issue bonds or enter into a lease to finance the 2017-2020 Munster School Building Renewal/Restoration, Technology Upgrade and Safety Projects which includes restoration, repair and renovation work at all of the school buildings, including, but not limited to, Eads Elementary School, Elliott Elementary School, Frank Hammond Elementary School, Wilbur Wright Middle School and Munster High School, and which is estimated to cost not more than $48,175,000.00 and is estimated to increase the property tax rate for debt service by $0.4309 per $100 of assessed valuation?”

Westfield Washington School Corporation, Hamilton County

May 2, 2017

“Shall Westfield Washington Schools issue bonds or enter into a lease to finance the 2017 Capacity, Safety, Efficiency, Renovation and Technology Project which includes the renovation of and improvements to Westfield Elementary Schools, Intermediate School, Middle School and High School, which is estimated to cost not more than $90,000,000 and is estimated to increase the property tax rate for debt service by a maximum of $0.3079 per $100 of assessed valuation?”


Cannelton City Schools, Perry County

May 2, 2017

“For the seven (7) calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall the Cannelton City School Corporation continue to impose a property tax rate that does not exceed forty-one cents ($0.41) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation 2 for the purpose of funding operating costs necessary to provide programs and learning opportunities? The tax rate requested in this referendum was originally approved by the voters in the Cannelton City School Corporation in 2010.”

Carmel Clay Schools, Hamilton County

May 2, 2017

“For the seven calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall Carmel Clay Schools impose a property tax rate that does not exceed nineteen cents ($0.19) on each hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation and that is in addition to all other property tax levies imposed by the school corporation for the purpose of funding academic and support programs, teaching positions, and any other educational needs of the school corporation?”

Lake Station Community Schools, Lake County

May 2, 2016

“For the seven (7) calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall the Lake Station Community Schools impose a property tax rate that does not exceed fifty- four cents ($0.54) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation and that is in addition to all other property taxes imposed by the school corporation for the purpose of funding maintaining and expanding academic programs, teaching positions, student safety, school bus transportation and other educational needs of the schools?”

School City of East Chicago, Lake County

May 2, 2017

“For the seven (7) calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall the School City of East Chicago impose a property tax rate that does not exceed thirty cents 3 ($0.30) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation and that is in addition to all other property tax levies imposed by the school corporation for the purpose of funding teaching positions, staff positions, and educational programming?”

School Town of Munster, Lake County

May 2, 2017

“For the seven (7) calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall the School Town of Munster, Lake County, Indiana, impose a property tax rate that does not exceed forty-one and ninety-six hundredths cents ($0.4196) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation and that is in addition to all other property tax levies imposed by the school corporation for the purpose of (a) repealing the existing referendum fund tax levy, and (b) replacing the existing referendum fund tax levy with a new referendum fund tax levy that will provide funding to continue current and implement new educational programs, to address additional staffing needs, including special education staffing, for anticipated increases in employee compensation and other operational costs, for payment of debt service on obligations of the School Corporation after December 31, 2019, and to re-establish reasonable fund balances?”

Sheridan Community Schools, Hamilton County

May 2, 2017

“For the seven (7) calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall Sheridan Community Schools impose a property tax rate that does not exceed twenty-five cents ($0.25) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation and that is in addition to all other property taxes imposed by the school corporation for the purposes of funding and maintaining teaching staff, classroom sizes, and academic related programs?”

Tri-County School Corporation, White County

May 2, 2017

“For the seven calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall the Tri-County School Corporation impose a property tax rate that does not exceed twenty seven and thirty seven hundredths cents ($0.2737) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation and that is in addition to all other property taxes imposed by the school corporation for the purpose of funding existing and future academic programming and any other educational needs of the school corporation.”

West Lafayette School Corporation, Tippecanoe County

May 2, 2017

“For the seven (7) calendar years immediately following the holding of the referendum, shall the West Lafayette Community School Corporation continue to impose a property tax rate that does not exceed thirty-seven cents ($0.37) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation for the purpose of funding academic and educationally related programs, to manage class sizes and to retain teachers? The tax rate requested in this referendum was originally approved by the voters in the West Lafayette Community School Corporation in 2010.”