The Fair board has set a workday for the Washington County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, May 17 at 9 a.m. to improve and upgrade some of the aging electrical service.
This will be a joint project performed by Duke Energy, Jackson County REMC and Orange County REMC. These three electric providers are donating their time and talents to make our fairgrounds a safer and more efficient place which is used by the general public.
The fairgrounds is used not only during the week of the annual fair but also throughout the year for auctions, meetings, receptions, parties, yard sales, sporting events, horse shows, dog training, livestock shows and many other miscellaneous events.
“We want to publicly thank these three electric utility companies for generously agreeing to help us with this much needed project,” said Fair Board President Tony Nolan.
Nolan said this is the first time that all three companies have agreed to come together to work on a project of this size.
“We want everyone in our area know how much we appreciate these three companies that provide electricity to the residents of Washington County, Indiana,” said Nolan.
The fair begins Saturday, June 17 with the baby contest and runs through June 24.