Home WSLM NEWS Local News Indianapolis Man Arrested on Stolen Harley

Indianapolis Man Arrested on Stolen Harley


Just before 12:30 pm. today ISP radio received word of a black Harley Davidson motorcycle that had been stolen a few minutes earlier in Marion Indiana, and was possibly south bound on I-69. 

Within a minute or so a north bound off duty Fort Wayne Trooper reporting seeing a south bound motorcycle with no license plate, and a white male rider fitting the description, around the 229 mile marker.

Pendleton District Trooper Kyle West was waiting around the 225 mile marker south bound and got behind the motorcycle attempting to stop it.  The motorcycle continued south, refusing to stop and eventually exited onto SR 38 at the 219 mile marker and entered the city of Pendleton.

The motorcycle turned south on Adams St. on the west side of Pendleton, then sideswiped a parked car as he attempted to turn right (west) onto Taylor St.  The motorcycle pulled over a block later with the rider surrendering to Trooper West. Charles Wickline, age 46 of Indianapolis, was placed under arrest then transported to St John’s Hospital by Pendleton EMS in Anderson with a lower leg injury.

Wickline was found to be Operating While License Suspended, and was also found to be wanted out of Marion County on felony warrants for Auto Theft and Possession of Methamphetamine. Upon his release Wickline will be charged with felony Auto Theft, Resisting Law Enforcement with a motor vehicle and the two felony warrants out of Marion County, as well as Driving While License Suspended.

Further charges are possible in Grant County reference the theft of the motorcycle. Trooper West was assisted by Troopers Coley McCutcheon, Al Willis and Andy Sparks, Detective Dave Preston, Sergeant Jeff Zeiger, Lt. Tom Dujmovich, Madison County Sheriff’s Department, Pendleton Police and Pendleton EMS.