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Go Smoke-Free in 30 Days


Join 30 Smokefree Days, a 30-day quit smoking event on Facebook providing a built-in community of people like you who want a healthier life!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) invite tobacco users interested in quitting to join them in an online 30- day quit smoking event in Facebook. The event was created for those thinking about quitting smoking, but who want some extra help and support.

Participants will receive encouragement and support, plus free access to mobile quit apps, tips and exclusive video content with words of advice from Tips From Former Smokers™ participants.

In addition,there will be Facebook Live video streams where NCI experts will answer tobacco users’ questions and provide guidance on how to overcome common challenges that arise during a quit attempt.

The event is from July 10 to August 9, and Facebook users can sign up at http://bit.ly/CDC30SFD.

Free help for quitting tobacco use is always available through the Indiana Tobacco Quitline at 1-800- Quit-Now.