Home WSLM NEWS Local News 22-year-old from Jennings County Injured in Accident

22-year-old from Jennings County Injured in Accident


A 22-year-old Jennings County Man was injured in an accident in Jackson County on Sunday.

On July 16, 2017 at approximately 6:30 PM the Sheriff’s Department received a report of a personal injury accident at the intersection of US Highway 31 & County Road 700 North. Deputy Rick Meyer located one vehicle in the middle of US 31 and another off the roadway.

The vehicle off the road was a 1998 Honda Accord driven by Christopher Henson, 22 of Paris Crossing.

Henson was traveling west on County Road 700 North and failed to stop at the intersection.

Henson’s vehicle was struck by a 2006 Toyota. The Toyota was being driven by Jessica Tanner, 22 of Seymour. Tanner was traveling North on US Highway 31. Airbags deployed on both vehicles. Henson was cited for disregarding a stop sign.

Tanner was treated and taken by Jackson County Ambulance to Schneck Medical Center. She was complaining of back and neck pain on scene.

A passenger in Tanner’s vehicle, Phillip Fields, 28 of Seymour was also taken by Jackson County Ambulance to Schneck. Fields complained of head pain. Henson had cuts on his head and arms, but declined treatment at the scene, He was taken to Schneck Medical Center by family.

The injury status of all 3 subjects once they left the scene is unknown.

Jackson County Reserve Deputy Eric Browalski and Indiana State Police assisted at the scene.