Home WSLM NEWS Local News Sheriff’s Department Collecting Phones for Domestic Violence Shelter

Sheriff’s Department Collecting Phones for Domestic Violence Shelter


Once again, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department and Turning Point Domestic Violence Services will be collecting cell phones and cell phone accessories at the Sheriff’s Department building at this year’s Jackson County Fair July 23 – 29th

All cell phones, regardless of their age or model, can be dropped off at the Sheriff’s building. The phones will then be passed on to Turning Point.

Turning Point converts old cell phones into emergency phones that can be given to victims of domestic violence, which allows a victim to call 9-1-1.  The phones are only used for that purpose and no other types of calls can be made from them.  All stored information is cleared from the phone before it is used as an emergency cell phone.

Any cell phone that is not capable of becoming an “emergency” phone is sent to a recycling company.  Proceeds from recycled phones are then provided to Turning Point to help support domestic violence programs and services.