Home WSLM NEWS Local News Robber On Loose – Armed and Dangerous, Police Say

Robber On Loose – Armed and Dangerous, Police Say


Travis Jerome Groce, 35, is wanted for his involvement in a Strong Armed Robbery that occurred today (July 17).

He was last seen wearing a cut off shirt and jeans. Groce also has an outstanding Parole Warrant for Battery.

This subject is considered Armed and Dangerous, police say. If he is located DO NOT approach him. Call 9-1-1 immediately.

At 9:00am in North Vernon, Indiana, Groce held a gun to to the back of his victims head, took his his wallet and money and then fled. 

Groce is 5′-10″ tall and weighs 180 lbs. He has blue eyes and brown hair. He has a Swastika tattoo on the side of his head going down his face. He also has several other tattoos on his body. 

The North Vernon, Indiana Police Department is in charge of this investigation.