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Work Continues On State Road 160


Indiana Department of Transportation maintenance crews will chip seal 40 lane miles of State Road 160 in Washington and Scott counties next week—weather permitting—placing surface treatment material on the east-west highway between Salem and Henryville. 

On Monday and Tuesday (AUGUST 14 & 15), pavement preservation operations will proceed along the eastbound lane of S.R. 160 from S.R. 60 to Interstate 65.  Wednesday and Thursday (AUGUST 16 & 17), chip seal will be placed in the westbound lane from I-65 to S.R. 60. 

Flaggers will be onsite to direct motorists around crews and equipment. 

The S.R. 160 chip seal will coat the highway’s surface with liquid asphalt—sealing pavement cracks and protecting the roadbed from harmful ultraviolet rays.   Small chips of limestone will be used to “choke” the asphalt’s fluidity and minimize adhesion to tires.  These aggregate chips also restore surface friction—optimizing maneuverability and stopping capabilities.   

Chip seal applications are highly cost-effective as a pavement preservation measure.  Every $1 spent saves $6 to $14 in subsequent expenditures.