Home WSLM NEWS Local News Area 2 Fall Applicator Recertification Program Nov. 7

Area 2 Fall Applicator Recertification Program Nov. 7


This year’s applicator program is scheduled in three different locations on Tuesday, November 7.

 Clark Co. Fairgrounds (9608 Hwy 62, Charlestown) from 7:30-9:40 am with donuts and
coffee. RSVP to skafari@purdue.edu or 812-256- 4591.
 Lawrence Co. Fairgrounds (11265 US 50, Bedford) from 12:00-2:30 pm with desserts and drinks or bring your own lunch. RSVP to odavis@purdue.edu or 812-275- 4623.
 Harrison Co. Extension Office (247 Atwood St., Corydon) from 6:00-8:30 pm with a light meal. RSVP to medge@purdue.edu or 812-738- 4236

Topics at all three sites will include:
 Update on Non-GMO Technologies – Dr. Peter Goldsburg, Purdue University
 Putting the Sprayer on the Road – Fred Whitford, Purdue University
 Dicamba Update – Fred Whitford, Purdue University
The program is free, but private applicator credits will be offered for $10. Commercial
applicator credits (1A & 14) will also be available.

 If you have any questions, please contact the Purdue Extension – Washington County Office at
812-883- 4601 or dhowellw@purdue.edu.