Home WSLM Sports Indiana University Police, Fire and Military Get In Free to First IU Women’s ballgame

Police, Fire and Military Get In Free to First IU Women’s ballgame


Indiana Women’s Basketball has announced it will hold a Salute to Service Day when it opens up the 2017-18 season on November 11 against Arkansas State at Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall.

All military, police, fire, EMS and first responders are eligible to receive two complimentary tickets by filling out the form REVISEDSalute to Service – Arkansas State_Nov11 and return it to the IU Ticket Office west lobby window during regular business hours (MondayFriday9 a.m.–5 p.m.) or by mail.

Additional tickets can be purchased $5 for adults and $3 for youth. The deadline to order tickets is Monday, November 6.  After the deadline, all qualified personnel can purchase tickets for a special price of $2. Complimentary tickets will not be issued on game day.

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