Home WSLM NEWS Local News Vet 101 Program Planned for Beef Cattle Producers

Vet 101 Program Planned for Beef Cattle Producers


Are you a beef cattle producer with cattle husbandry questions like:

When do I call the veterinarian?
What equipment, medicines, and tools should I have on hand?
What troubleshooting information should I collect before calling the veterinarian? If so, this program is for you.

Purdue Extension – Lawrence Co., Purdue Extension – Washington County, Feldun Purdue Ag. Center, and Spring Mill Veterinary Service are offering the Vet 101 program on Tuesday,
November 14, 2017 from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Feldun Purdue Ag. Center (1117 IN 458, Bedford) to help answer all of these questions and many more.

The following demonstrations will also be included: pregnancy ultrasounding, structural soundness evaluation (feet and legs), docility scoring, udder evaluation, mouth/teeth evaluation,
and body condition scoring.

The program is free, but space is limited. RSVP’s are required to Purdue Extension – Lawrence Co. by Friday, November 10, 2017 by calling 812-275- 4623.

If you have any questions, please contact the Purdue Extension – Washington County Office at 812-883- 4601 or dhowellw@purdue.edu.