Home WSLM NEWS Local News SR 203 Bridge Closed  Near Lexington

SR 203 Bridge Closed  Near Lexington


Indiana Department of Transportation’s contractor closed State Road 203 today (NOV 27) at its bridge over Woods Fork Creek northwest of Lexington in Scott County.  

The existing structure—located 1.52 miles south of S.R. 3 between Plymouth and Smith Roads in Lexington Township—will be removed and replaced over the next four months.    

Motorists are being detoured around the site via S.R. 356, S.R. 3 and S.R. 56. 

Duncan Robertson of Franklin is the state’s contractor for this $931,463 project to construct the new 3-span bridge with new approach slabs.

Built on existing piers, the new concrete superstructure will measure 153 feet in length with 28 feet of clear roadway side-to-side.  

The project includes new I-beams, end bends and end caps.