At approximately 10:30 AM on February 8th, Jackson County Jail Commander Charlie Murphy received information that inmate Joshua Edward Riley, 22, of Seymour was possibly in possession of drugs that he smuggled into the jail. Riley had been booked in the day before on a charge of Theft.

Murphy and Jail Sgt. Josh Clark went into Riley’s cell and located a baggy containing over a gram of Methamphetamine. Sgt. Clark took possession of the drugs and processed them into evidence.
Murphy began an investigation that included interviews with other inmates, as well as a check of jail video and telephone recordings from Riley’s inmate account.
The investigation revealed that Riley had swallowed the drugs prior to his arrest and that he passed them after he was in his cell. Riley is suspected of using part of the Meth before jail officials discovered it.
In a telephone conversation, Riley and his girlfriend were heard discussing the drug and the girlfriend was heard pleading with Riley to “Flush” the drugs before he got caught.
A request for a charge of Trafficking is being sent to the Jackson County Prosecutor against Joshua Edward Riley. Trafficking is a Level 5 Felony.