Washington County Chief Deputy Sheriff Brent Miller arrested a West Washington High School student for making a threat against the school on Monday.
On Monday evening, West Washington School District Safety Coordinator Robert Batchelor made contact with Deputy Miller and advised of a possible threat that had been reported to the school administration.
Miller investigated the incident and made an arrest. The student is being detained while juvenile proceedings are ongoing in the Washington County Circuit Court.
Batchelor made a request for increased police presence on the campus for Tuesday, Feb. 20 and Sheriff Roger Newlon coordinated the law enforcement response.
School officials acted appropriately and took extra precautions on Tuesday, while law enforcement officials were present on campus to help ensure the safety of the students and staff. School officials worked diligently throughout the day gathering information, which was turned over to the Sheriff’s Department for investigation.
Police have found no evidence to suggest anyone else was involved in the possible threat.
Officials further believe this incident is no longer an active threat at West Washington School Corporation.
Sheriff Newlon is dedicated to working with all three Washington County School Corporations to make our schools a safer place.
“I’d like to remind everyone if you see something, say something. Together we can make a difference,” said Newlon.
Assisting agencies included the Campbellsburg Town Marshall and Mark Blackman.