Home WSLM NEWS Local News Traffic Restrictions Begin Soon For I-64 Floyd County Bridges

Traffic Restrictions Begin Soon For I-64 Floyd County Bridges


Weekend ramp closures from westbound Interstate 265 to eastbound I-64 will begin on or after Friday, March 9, as part of a $3.9 million bridge rehabilitation project. 

Pavement repairs and installation of a 3/8-inch polymeric overlay at Exit 121 will occur over three weekends—but not necessarily on successive weekends—beginning Fridays at 8 p.m. through 5 a.m. Mondays.  

Traffic will be detoured via I-265 East to I-65 South to I-64.   

At the same time, the Indiana Department of Transportation will patch, widen and place a 2-inch modified latex overlay on I-64’s eastbound bridge over Captain Frank Road while making substructure repairs. 

The bridge—a 3-span 217-foot-long structure located 0.29 miles east of I-265 at the north edge of New Albany—will be restricted to two 11-foot-wide travel lanes.  Construction is expected to continue through May. 

INDOT officials advise motorists to expect lane shifts, changing traffic patterns and occasional delays. 

In mid-May, similar operations will take place at two other I-64 bridges—westbound I-64 over Captain Frank Road and westbound I-64 over Quarry Road. 

Ragle Inc. of Newburgh is Indiana’s contractor for this 4-bridge project in Floyd County.