Home WSLM NEWS Local News Salem Woman Arrested For Dealing: Had Two Pounds of Weed

Salem Woman Arrested For Dealing: Had Two Pounds of Weed


Yesterday afternoon, a 19-year-old Salem woman was arrested with two pounds of Marijuana and charged with dealing.

The driver, Heather R. Good, 19, of Organ Springs Road in Salem, IN, was arrested and charged with Dealing in Marijuana, Possession of Marijuana and Maintaining a Common Nuisance.

She is incarcerated at the Floyd County Jail awaiting her first court appearance.

Indian State Trooper Brandon Farias made a traffic stop on Cherry Street in New Albany for a traffic infraction.

As trooper Farias was speaking to the driver he could smell an odor of burnt Marijuana coming from the vehicle.

A subsequent search of the vehicle yielded approximately two pounds of Marijuana.