The remnants of the first tropical storm of the season – Alberto – made its way through Kentuckiana this afternoon, leaving thousands of customers without power and leaving dozens of businesses closed.

Duke Energy and other REMCS in Kentuckiana are scrambling to restore power to customers. 

At one time, Duke Energy said over 50,000 customers were without power. 

Jackson County REMC has been busy restoring power in its coverage area. There are currently (as of 10:30p) a little over 5,400 customers still without power. 

Clark County REMC reported that 621 total customers were without power, but throughout the afternoon 571 were able to be restored. As of 10:30p. they still had 49 without power. 

Duke Energy said they are still assessing damage and have given no estimation of when power would be restored. 

Schools, churches, hospitals and businesses in much of South Central Indiana are without power and running on generator power. 

At the Subway in Borden, lines stretched around the side of the building from 5p till almost closing with customers who were searching for food with nearby towns without power. 

Salem’s Walmart, the largest in Indiana, had to close doors this afternoon without power. Local restaurants were closed to. 

Mama Rosa’s, a local restaurant, survived on generator power into the evening, but could only take cash. 

Most gas stations who were without power couldn’t operate because of the pumps and card readers needing electricity and connection to the internet. 

Here are a list of area locations still without power from Duke Energy:

  • Salem – 4,101 customers in 12 locations
  • Pekin – 302 customers in 3 locations. 
  • Austin – 165 customers in 5 lcoations.
  • Orleans – 758 customers in 6 locations. 
  • Mitchell – 287 customers in 10 locations
  • French Lick – 704 customers in 10 locations
  • Columbus – 2,182 customers in 83 locations
  • Bedford – 121 customers in 13 locations
  • Clarksville – 925 customers in 23 locations
  • New Albany – 234 customers in 22 locations
  • Jeffersonville – 86 customers in 10 locations 

If you see a fallen power line or safety hazard involving our equipment, call Duke Energy at 800.343.3525 or contact your local emergency services immediately. Do not touch a power line or anything in contact with it and keep others away until help arrives.

For power outages with Jackson County REMC, call 1.800.288.4458. 

For tips on keeping your frozen foods good through a power outtage, read this article http://www.jacksonremc.com/content/outage-refrigeration-guidelines