Exhibitor |
Division |
Division Awards |
Class |
Class Ribbon |
Class Awards |
Faith Cummings |
Achievement (AC) |
Grand Champion |
67621: Grade 7-12, Senior (AC) |
Blue |
Champion |
William Cummings |
Achievement (AC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
67611: Grade 3-6, Junior (AC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jack Armstrong |
Aerospace (AE) |
11011: Grade 3-5, Rocket, Stage 2 (AE) |
Blue |
Champion |
William Cummings |
Aerospace (AE) |
11021: Grade 6-8, Rocket, Stage 3 (AE) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
James Elliott |
Aerospace (AE) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
11021: Grade 6-8, Rocket, Stage 3 (AE) |
Blue |
Champion |
Chase Kemp |
Aerospace (AE) |
Grand Champion |
11031: Grade 9-12, Rocket, Stage 4 (AE) |
Blue |
Champion |
Weston Smith |
Aerospace (AE) |
11021: Grade 6-8, Rocket, Stage 3 (AE) |
Blue |
Jack Thixton |
Aerospace (AE) |
11011: Grade 3-5, Rocket, Stage 2 (AE) |
Red |
Reserve Champion |
Kylee Fleenor |
Arts and Crafts (CR) |
12014: Any Other Craft (CR) |
Blue |
Abygale Boyd |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67111: Grade 3 (BC) |
Red |
Allison Clodfelter |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67141: Grade 6 (BC) |
Blue |
Faith Cummings |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
Sr. Grand Champion |
67181: Grade 10 (BC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67141: Grade 6 (BC) |
Blue |
Brileigh Denham |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67151: Grade 7 (BC) |
Blue |
Bailey Hardwick |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67141: Grade 6 (BC) |
Blue |
Bailey Leis |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67151: Grade 7 (BC) |
Blue |
Gracie Lewis |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67151: Grade 7 (BC) |
Blue |
Lillian McMillin |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67151: Grade 7 (BC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Delainey Predmore |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
Jr. Reserve Grand Champion |
67141: Grade 6 (BC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jacob Rose |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
Jr. Reserve Grand Champion |
67151: Grade 7 (BC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Amelia Saunders |
Basic Crafts (BC) |
67121: Grade 4 (BC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kylie Batt |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
14021: Grade 6-8, Intermediate (CK) |
Blue |
Champion |
Natalee Boutelle |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Kacey Campbell |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Kelsey Davis |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Sylvia Ferriell |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Brooklyn Gibson |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Presley Gibson |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kailey Glass |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14021: Grade 6-8, Intermediate (CK) |
Blue |
Jeanelle Henderson |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Bailey Leis |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14021: Grade 6-8, Intermediate (CK) |
Blue |
Amelia Saunders |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Champion |
Cora Saunders |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
Grand Champion |
14031: Grade 9-12, Advanced (CK) |
Blue |
Champion |
Leauna Springer |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14011: Grade 3-5, Beginner (CK) |
Blue |
Gabrielle Thixton |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14021: Grade 6-8, Intermediate (CK) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Autumn Wheatley |
Cake Decorating (CK) |
14021: Grade 6-8, Intermediate (CK) |
Blue |
Megan Calloway |
Cat Poster (CP) |
Grand Champion |
15031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Hailey Hoke |
Cat Poster (CP) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
15011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Bryson Shanks |
Cat Poster (CP) |
15011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CP) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Grace Baker |
Collections (CL) |
64111: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Collections (CL) |
64111: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CL) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Adam Guthrie |
Collections (CL) |
64111: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CL) |
Blue |
Jerrid Henderson |
Collections (CL) |
64121: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CL) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Sydney Kaelin |
Collections (CL) |
64111: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CL) |
Blue |
Bailey Leis |
Collections (CL) |
64121: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Elijah Morgan |
Collections (CL) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
64131: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CL) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Emily Morgan |
Collections (CL) |
Grand Champion |
64131: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Colleen Murphy |
Collections (CL) |
64131: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CL) |
Blue |
Eva O’Toole |
Collections (CL) |
64121: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CL) |
Blue |
Clayton Swift |
Collections (CL) |
64131: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CL) |
Blue |
Shaun Wheeler |
Collections (CL) |
64111: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CL) |
Blue |
Nolan Campbell |
Computer (CO) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
17021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CO) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
James Elliott |
Computer (CO) |
Grand Champion |
17021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CO) |
Blue |
Champion |
Grace Baker |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Blue |
Matthew Brewer |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Blue |
Andrew Chastain |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Allison Clodfelter |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Lauren Clodfelter |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Blue |
Champion |
Will Collins |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Sawyer Davis |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Jaden Davisson |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Red |
Connor Denny |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
James Elliott |
Construction Toys (CT) |
Grand Champion |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Champion |
Hays Ferriell |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Blue |
Presley Gibson |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Blue |
Bailey Hardwick |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Jerrid Henderson |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Red |
Anna Kaelin |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Red |
Sydney Kaelin |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Red |
William Kuttler |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Red |
Elijah Saylor |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Red |
Peyton Schneck |
Construction Toys (CT) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Bryson Shanks |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Red |
Brody Temple |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Blue |
Kaden Temple |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Garrett Walton |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67221: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CT) |
Blue |
Gunner Walton |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67211: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CT) |
Red |
Aaron Wiseman |
Construction Toys (CT) |
67231: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CT) |
Blue |
Faith Cummings |
Creative Writing (CW) |
67731: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CW) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
William Cummings |
Creative Writing (CW) |
67721: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CW) |
Blue |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Creative Writing (CW) |
67721: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CW) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Creative Writing (CW) |
67711: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CW) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Eliza Starrett |
Creative Writing (CW) |
67711: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (CW) |
Blue |
Champion |
Gabrielle Thixton |
Creative Writing (CW) |
Grand Champion |
67721: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (CW) |
Blue |
Champion |
Caroline Wheatley |
Creative Writing (CW) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
67731: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (CW) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jack Armstrong |
Crops – Hay (HA) |
Grand Champion |
54121: Hay, Division 2 (HA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Mason Armstrong |
Crops – Hay (HA) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
54131: Hay, Division 3 (HA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jack Armstrong |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
Grand Champion |
54221: Soybeans, Division 2 (SB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Mason Armstrong |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
54241: Soybeans, Division 4 (SB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Bailey Hardwick |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
54221: Soybeans, Division 2 (SB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jacob Heightchew |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
54221: Soybeans, Division 2 (SB) |
Blue |
Griffin Packwood |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
54291: Soybeans, Division 9 (SB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Tanner Packwood |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
54291: Soybeans, Division 9 (SB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Clayton Purlee |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
54281: Soybeans, Division 8 (SB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Mylee Robinson |
Crops – Soybeans (SB) |
54211: Soybeans, Division 1 (SB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Avery Robbins |
Crops – Tobacco (TB) |
Grand Champion |
54341: Tobacco, Division 4 (TB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Clayton Purlee |
Crops – Wheat (WT) |
Grand Champion |
54481: Wheat, Division 8 (WT) |
Blue |
Champion |
Melanie Purlee |
Crops – Wheat (WT) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
54441: Wheat, Division 4 (WT) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jack Armstrong |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
54021: Corn, Division 2 (CN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Mason Armstrong |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
Grand Champion |
54081: Corn, Division 8 (CN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Cole Fleenor |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54021: Corn, Division 2 (CN) |
Blue |
Bailey Hardwick |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54021: Corn, Division 2 (CN) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jacob Heightchew |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54021: Corn, Division 2 (CN) |
Blue |
Sarah Heightchew |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54041: Corn, Division 4 (CN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Griffin Packwood |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54091: Corn, Division 9 (CN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Tanner Packwood |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54091: Corn, Division 9 (CN) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Clayton Purlee |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54081: Corn, Division 8 (CN) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Melanie Purlee |
Crops- Corn (CN) |
54041: Corn, Division 4 (CN) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Dog Poster (DP) |
Grand Champion |
20031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (DP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Allison Clodfelter |
Dog Poster (DP) |
20021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (DP) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Lauren Clodfelter |
Dog Poster (DP) |
20011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (DP) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Amelia Hendricks |
Dog Poster (DP) |
20021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (DP) |
Blue |
Emma Rockey |
Dog Poster (DP) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
20021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (DP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Vincent Shanks |
Dog Poster (DP) |
20011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (DP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Autumn Wheatley |
Education (GE) |
81011: Educational Exhibit (GE) |
Blue |
Caroline Wheatley |
Education (GE) |
81011: Educational Exhibit (GE) |
Blue |
Will Collins |
Electric (EL) |
21041: Division 4 (EL) |
Blue |
Faith Cummings |
Electric (EL) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
21041: Division 4 (EL) |
Blue |
Champion |
William Cummings |
Electric (EL) |
21041: Division 4 (EL) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Asa Garvin |
Electric (EL) |
21041: Division 4 (EL) |
Blue |
Easton Gray |
Electric (EL) |
21011: Division 1 (EL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jacob Heightchew |
Electric (EL) |
21021: Division 2 (EL) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jerrid Henderson |
Electric (EL) |
Grand Champion |
21051: Advanced Electric (EL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Caris Moore |
Electric (EL) |
21021: Division 2 (EL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Evan Smedley |
Electric (EL) |
21031: Division 3 (EL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Weston Smith |
Electric (EL) |
21031: Division 3 (EL) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Hunter Trainor |
Electric (EL) |
21031: Division 3 (EL) |
Blue |
Samuel LeMay |
Entomology (EN) |
Grand Champion |
22014: Grade 6, 40 Insect Collection (EN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Colleen Murphy |
Entomology (EN) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
22017: Grade 9, 70 Insect Collection (EN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jack Armstrong |
Farm Toy Scene |
Reserve Grand Champion |
6791: Division 1 (Grades 3-4) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jackson Brough |
Farm Toy Scene |
6792: Division 2 (Grades 5-6) |
Blue |
Champion |
Caris Moore |
Farm Toy Scene |
6791: Division 1 (Grades 3-4) |
Red |
Reserve Champion |
Derek Stout |
Farm Toy Scene |
Grand Champion |
6793: Division 3 (Grades 7-9) |
Blue |
Champion |
Grace Baker |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67331: Grade 5 (FA) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kacey Campbell |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67321: Grade 4 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Allison Cauble |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67371: Grade 9 (FA) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Allison Clodfelter |
Fine Arts (FA) |
Jr. Reserve Grand Champion |
67341: Grade 6 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Lauren Clodfelter |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67311: Grade 3 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Marissa Collins |
Fine Arts (FA) |
Sr. Grand Champion |
67381: Grade 10 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Faith Cummings |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67381: Grade 10 (FA) |
Blue |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67341: Grade 6 (FA) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67321: Grade 4 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Katelyn Gibson |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67395: Grade 12 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kaden Glass |
Fine Arts (FA) |
Jr. Grand Champion |
67331: Grade 5 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kailey Glass |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67361: Grade 8 (FA) |
Blue |
Audrey Heavin |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67341: Grade 6 (FA) |
Blue |
Jeanelle Henderson |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67331: Grade 5 (FA) |
Blue |
Audrey Hickey |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67321: Grade 4 (FA) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Madelyn Moore |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67341: Grade 6 (FA) |
Blue |
Keegan Mullins |
Fine Arts (FA) |
Sr. Grand Champion, Sr. Reserve Grand Champion |
67381: Grade 10 (FA) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Sydney Roll |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67391: Grade 11 (FA) |
Champion |
Jacob Rose |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67351: Grade 7 (FA) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Elijah Saylor |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67331: Grade 5 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kaden Temple |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67341: Grade 6 (FA) |
Blue |
Gabrielle Thixton |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67351: Grade 7 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Caroline Wheatley |
Fine Arts (FA) |
67371: Grade 9 (FA) |
Blue |
Champion |
Faith Cummings |
Floriculture (FL) |
24047: Grade 10-12, Level D, Poster (FL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Floriculture (FL) |
24023: Grade 5-6, Level B, House Plant (FL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Karli Denny |
Floriculture (FL) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
24036: Grade 7-9, Level C, Flower Arrangement Roses or Lillies (FL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Cally Karmire |
Floriculture (FL) |
24012: Grade 3-4, Level A, Flower Arrangement Bud Vase Purchased Flowers (FL) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Eliza Starrett |
Floriculture (FL) |
Grand Champion |
24011: Grade 3-4, Level A, Flower Arrangement Bud Vase Grown Flowers (FL) |
Blue |
Champion |
Shelby Akins |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25011: Grade 3, Baked Cookies (FB) |
Blue |
Gracelynn Archibald |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25021: Grade 4, Baked Muffins (FB) |
Blue |
Matthew Brewer |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25011: Grade 3, Baked Cookies (FB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25061: Grade 10-12, Fruit Pie (FB) |
Blue |
Faith Cummings |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25061: Grade 10-12, Fruit Pie (FB) |
Blue |
Brant Deaton |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25061: Grade 10-12, Fruit Pie (FB) |
Blue |
Karli Denny |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25052: Grade 7-9, Baked Yeast Bread (FB) |
Blue |
Kylee Fleenor |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
25041: Grade 6, Baked No-Yeast Pretzel or No-Yeasts Biscuit (FB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Audri Garvin |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25021: Grade 4, Baked Muffins (FB) |
Blue |
Jacob Heightchew |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25021: Grade 4, Baked Muffins (FB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sarah Heightchew |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25041: Grade 6, Baked No-Yeast Pretzel or No-Yeasts Biscuit (FB) |
Blue |
Cally Karmire |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25021: Grade 4, Baked Muffins (FB) |
Blue |
Clayton Kelley |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
Grand Champion |
25061: Grade 10-12, Fruit Pie (FB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Rachel Kiefer |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25061: Grade 10-12, Fruit Pie (FB) |
Blue |
Katie Larrimore |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25051: Grade 7-9, Baked Yeast Bread Sticks or Yeast Rolls (FB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Abby Maynard |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25031: Grade 5, Baked Cake (FB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Aiden McDonald |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25041: Grade 6, Baked No-Yeast Pretzel or No-Yeasts Biscuit (FB) |
Blue |
Jacob Rose |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25051: Grade 7-9, Baked Yeast Bread Sticks or Yeast Rolls (FB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kirsten Sexton |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25041: Grade 6, Baked No-Yeast Pretzel or No-Yeasts Biscuit (FB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Ryker Sparkman |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25021: Grade 4, Baked Muffins (FB) |
Blue |
Dallis Starrett |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25052: Grade 7-9, Baked Yeast Bread (FB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Eliza Starrett |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25021: Grade 4, Baked Muffins (FB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Flora Wade |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25021: Grade 4, Baked Muffins (FB) |
Blue |
Gunner Walton |
Foods, Baked (FB) |
25011: Grade 3, Baked Cookies (FB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26061: Grade 10-12, Pressure Canned Product (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Faith Cummings |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26063: Grade 10-12, Cooked Jam or Reduced-Sugar Fruit Spread (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brant Deaton |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26063: Grade 10-12, Cooked Jam or Reduced-Sugar Fruit Spread (FP) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Claire Elgin |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26051: Grade 7-9, Freezer Jam (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Audri Garvin |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26021: Grade 4, Frozen Berries (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Clayton Kelley |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
26062: Grade 10-12, Frozen Entrée (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Rachel Kiefer |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26063: Grade 10-12, Cooked Jam or Reduced-Sugar Fruit Spread (FP) |
Blue |
Abby Maynard |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26031: Grade 5, Frozen Pizza (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Peyton Maynard |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26011: Grade 3, Frozen Baked Cookies (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Elijah Morgan |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
Grand Champion |
26052: Grade 7-9, Canned Tomato Product (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Emily Morgan |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26051: Grade 7-9, Freezer Jam (FP) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Claire Olesh |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26063: Grade 10-12, Cooked Jam or Reduced-Sugar Fruit Spread (FP) |
Blue |
Margaret Olesh |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26063: Grade 10-12, Cooked Jam or Reduced-Sugar Fruit Spread (FP) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kirsten Sexton |
Foods, Preserved (FP) |
26041: Grade 6, Frozen Vegetable (FP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Forestry (FO) |
Grand Champion |
27031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (FO) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sarah Heightchew |
Forestry (FO) |
27021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (FO) |
Red |
Jerrid Henderson |
Forestry (FO) |
27021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (FO) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Evan Smedley |
Forestry (FO) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
27021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (FO) |
Blue |
Champion |
Connor Denny |
Genealogy (GN) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
28011: Division 1 (GN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Emily Morgan |
Genealogy (GN) |
Grand Champion |
28051: Advanced (GN) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Geology (GO) |
Grand Champion |
29021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (GO) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Geology (GO) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
29011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (GO) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Abygale Boyd |
Gift Wrapping |
Reserve Grand Champion |
6801: Division 1 (Grades 3-5) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kelsey Davis |
Gift Wrapping |
6801: Division 1 (Grades 3-5) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kylee Fleenor |
Gift Wrapping |
6802: Division 2 (Grades 6-8) |
Blue |
Bailey Leis |
Gift Wrapping |
6802: Division 2 (Grades 6-8) |
Blue |
Champion |
Gabrielle Thixton |
Gift Wrapping |
6802: Division 2 (Grades 6-8) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Paige White |
Gift Wrapping |
Grand Champion |
6803: Division 3 (Grades 9-12) |
Blue |
Champion |
Abygale Boyd |
Health (HT) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
30012: Grade 3, Level A, Family First Aid Kit (HT) |
Blue |
Champion |
Eli Guthrie |
Health (HT) |
Grand Champion |
30061: Grade 8, Level B, Poster (HT) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Herb (HB) |
83013: Sage (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Herb (HB) |
83009: Mint (HB) |
Blue |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Herb (HB) |
83001: Basil (HB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kylee Fleenor |
Herb (HB) |
83009: Mint (HB) |
Blue |
Jacob Heightchew |
Herb (HB) |
83006: Dill (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jacob Heightchew |
Herb (HB) |
83005: Coriander or Cilantro (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jacob Heightchew |
Herb (HB) |
83010: Oregano (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sarah Heightchew |
Herb (HB) |
83011: Parsley (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sarah Heightchew |
Herb (HB) |
83012: Rosemary (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sarah Heightchew |
Herb (HB) |
83001: Basil (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Clayton Kelley |
Herb (HB) |
83012: Rosemary (HB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Rachel Kiefer |
Herb (HB) |
Grand Champion |
83009: Mint (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Rachel Kiefer |
Herb (HB) |
83009: Mint (HB) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Rachel Kiefer |
Herb (HB) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
83008: Lavender (HB) |
Blue |
Champion |
Autumn Wheatley |
Herb (HB) |
83001: Basil (HB) |
Blue |
Caroline Wheatley |
Herb (HB) |
83001: Basil (HB) |
Blue |
Eva Bundy |
Home Environment (HE) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
31021: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Furniture (HE) |
Blue |
Champion |
Hannah Campbell |
Home Environment (HE) |
Grand Champion |
31031: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Furniture (HE) |
Blue |
Champion |
Delainey Predmore |
Home Environment (HE) |
31021: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Furniture (HE) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Horseless Horsemen (HH) |
Grand Champion |
77531: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (HH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Katelyn Gibson |
Horseless Horsemen (HH) |
77531: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (HH) |
Blue |
Natalie Luce |
Horseless Horsemen (HH) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
77531: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (HH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78591: Grade 11 (MC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Faith Cummings |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
Grand Champion |
78581: Grade 10 (MC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brant Deaton |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
78595: Grade 12 (MC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Audri Garvin |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78521: Grade 4 (MC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Anna Kaelin |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78511: Grade 3 (MC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Cally Karmire |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78521: Grade 4 (MC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Rachel Kiefer |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78591: Grade 11 (MC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Katie Larrimore |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78551: Grade 7 ( MC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Bailey Leis |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78551: Grade 7 ( MC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Delana Nolan |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78511: Grade 3 (MC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kirsten Sexton |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78541: Grade 6 (MC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Reagan Wade-Swift |
Microwave Cooking (MC) |
78581: Grade 10 (MC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Amity Batt |
Mini Beef Poster |
95001: Beef Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Kason Blankenbaker |
Mini Beef Poster |
95000: Beef Poster, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Adleigh Day |
Mini Beef Poster |
95001: Beef Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Brigham Green |
Mini Beef Poster |
95002: Beef Poster, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Beef Poster |
95001: Beef Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Ethan larrimore |
Mini Beef Poster |
95002: Beef Poster, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Beef Poster |
95001: Beef Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Kaci Davis |
Mini Cake Decorating |
95102: Cake Decorating, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Adleigh Day |
Mini Cake Decorating |
95101: Cake Decorating, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Beth Nicholson |
Mini Cake Decorating |
95101: Cake Decorating, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Abby Short |
Mini Cake Decorating |
95102: Cake Decorating, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Reagan Wineinger |
Mini Cake Decorating |
95101: Cake Decorating, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Jenson Collier |
Mini Collections |
95300: Collections, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Megan Collins |
Mini Collections |
95301: Collections, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Braxton Davis |
Mini Collections |
95301: Collections, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Jazlyn Edge |
Mini Collections |
95302: Collections, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Warner Ferriell |
Mini Collections |
95301: Collections, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Collections |
95301: Collections, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Aiden Short |
Mini Collections |
95302: Collections, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Soliday |
Mini Collections |
95301: Collections, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Elsie Starrett |
Mini Collections |
95301: Collections, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Reagan Wineinger |
Mini Collections |
95301: Collections, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Abby Short |
Mini Computers |
95402: Computers, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Ava Abbott |
Mini Crafts |
95500: Crafts, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Kason Blankenbaker |
Mini Crafts |
95500: Crafts, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Baylee Bowling |
Mini Crafts |
95500: Crafts, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Marley Brewer |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Jenson Collier |
Mini Crafts |
95500: Crafts, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Jazlyn Edge |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Jazlyn Edge |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Isaac Ferguson |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Gracie Garvin |
Mini Crafts |
95501: Crafts, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Lucas Hein |
Mini Crafts |
95501: Crafts, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Jenna Little |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Jenna Little |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Rachel Little |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Rachel Little |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Rachel Little |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Maci Muchler |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Beth Nicholson |
Mini Crafts |
95501: Crafts, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Crafts |
95501: Crafts, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Elsie Starrett |
Mini Crafts |
95501: Crafts, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Liddy Williams |
Mini Crafts |
95502: Crafts, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Reagan Wineinger |
Mini Crafts |
95501: Crafts, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Amity Batt |
Mini Dairy Poster |
95601: Dairy Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Dairy Poster |
95601: Dairy Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Beth Nicholson |
Mini Dog Scrapbook |
95801: Dog Scrapbook, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Soliday |
Mini Dog Scrapbook |
95801: Dog Scrapbook, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Braxton Davis |
Mini Entomology |
95901: Entomology, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Marley Brewer |
Mini Flowers |
96002: Flowers, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Olivia DuChemin |
Mini Flowers |
96001: Flowers, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Isaac Ferguson |
Mini Flowers |
96002: Flowers, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Gracie Garvin |
Mini Flowers |
96001: Flowers, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Ty Hobbs |
Mini Flowers |
96001: Flowers, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Flowers |
96001: Flowers, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Bailee Robbins |
Mini Flowers |
96002: Flowers, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Abby Short |
Mini Flowers |
96002: Flowers, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Addison Smedley |
Mini Flowers |
96002: Flowers, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Elsie Starrett |
Mini Flowers |
96001: Flowers, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Kason Blankenbaker |
Mini Foods |
96100: Foods, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Adleigh Day |
Mini Foods |
96101: Foods, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Olivia DuChemin |
Mini Foods |
96101: Foods, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Jazlyn Edge |
Mini Foods |
96102: Foods, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Gracie Garvin |
Mini Foods |
96101: Foods, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maci Muchler |
Mini Foods |
96102: Foods, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Foods |
96101: Foods, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Sparkman |
Mini Foods |
96101: Foods, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Elsie Starrett |
Mini Foods |
96101: Foods, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Garden |
96201: Garden, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Greyson Brough |
Mini Goat Poster |
96301: Goat Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Gracie Garvin |
Mini Goat Poster |
96301: Goat Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Goat Poster |
96301: Goat Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Case Karmire |
Mini Goat Poster |
96301: Goat Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Adalyn Knapp |
Mini Goat Poster |
96301: Goat Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Goat Poster |
96301: Goat Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Kason Blankenbaker |
Mini Microwave |
96700: Microwave, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Gracie Garvin |
Mini Microwave |
96701: Microwave, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Elsie Starrett |
Mini Microwave |
96701: Microwave, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Ava Abbott |
Mini Models |
96800: Models, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Allison Akers |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Kason Blankenbaker |
Mini Models |
96800: Models, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Greyson Brough |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Braxton Davis |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Adleigh Day |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Jazlyn Edge |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Isaac Ferguson |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Isaac Ferguson |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Warner Ferriell |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Brigham Green |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Lucas Hein |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Ty Hobbs |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Case Karmire |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maci Muchler |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Beth Nicholson |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Charles O’Toole |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Aiden Short |
Mini Models |
96802: Models, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Gryphon Short |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Soliday |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Sparkman |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Hudson Sullivan |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Owen Woods |
Mini Models |
96801: Models, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Ava Abbott |
Mini Photography |
96900: Photography, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Charlie Armstrong |
Mini Photography |
96902: Photography, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Adalyn Knapp |
Mini Photography |
96901: Photography, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maci Muchler |
Mini Photography |
96902: Photography, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Beth Nicholson |
Mini Photography |
96901: Photography, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Corbin Ponder |
Mini Photography |
96900: Photography, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Photography |
96901: Photography, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Smedley |
Mini Photography |
96902: Photography, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Reagan Wineinger |
Mini Photography |
96901: Photography, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Poultry Poster |
97001: Poultry Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Grace Hammond |
Mini Rabbit Poster |
97101: Rabbit Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Rabbit Poster |
97101: Rabbit Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Ty Hobbs |
Mini Rabbit Poster |
97101: Rabbit Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Soliday |
Mini Rabbit Poster |
97101: Rabbit Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Kason Blankenbaker |
Mini Sewing |
97200: Sewing, Kindergarten |
Blue |
Kaci Davis |
Mini Sewing |
97202: Sewing, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Taylor Knasel |
Mini Sewing |
97202: Sewing, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Jenna Little |
Mini Sewing |
97202: Sewing, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Beth Nicholson |
Mini Sewing |
97201: Sewing, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Purlee |
Mini Sewing |
97201: Sewing, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Abby Short |
Mini Sewing |
97202: Sewing, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Addison Smedley |
Mini Sewing |
97202: Sewing, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Sparkman |
Mini Sewing |
97201: Sewing, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Amity Batt |
Mini Swine Poster |
97401: Swine Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Chase Batt |
Mini Swine Poster |
97402: Swine Poster, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Swine Poster |
97401: Swine Poster, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Ethan larrimore |
Mini Swine Poster |
97402: Swine Poster, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Xavier Archibald |
Mini Woodworking |
97602: Woodworking, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Chase Batt |
Mini Woodworking |
97602: Woodworking, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Marley Brewer |
Mini Woodworking |
97602: Woodworking, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Alexia Chastain |
Mini Woodworking |
97601: Woodworking, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Braxton Davis |
Mini Woodworking |
97601: Woodworking, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Justin Hardwick |
Mini Woodworking |
97601: Woodworking, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Easton Hoke |
Mini Woodworking |
97602: Woodworking, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Ethan larrimore |
Mini Woodworking |
97602: Woodworking, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Claire Schmaltz |
Mini Woodworking |
97601: Woodworking, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Addison Smedley |
Mini Woodworking |
97602: Woodworking, 2nd Grade |
Blue |
Maddox Soliday |
Mini Woodworking |
97601: Woodworking, 1st Grade |
Blue |
Brant Deaton |
Models (MD) |
67441: Grade 10-12, Level D (MD) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jaxon Huckleberry |
Models (MD) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
67431: Grade 7-9, Level C (MD) |
Blue |
Champion |
Evan O’Toole |
Models (MD) |
67411: Grade 3-4, Level A (MD) |
Red |
Ryker Sparkman |
Models (MD) |
Grand Champion |
67411: Grade 3-4, Level A (MD) |
Blue |
Champion |
Jack Thixton |
Models (MD) |
67411: Grade 3-4, Level A (MD) |
Blue |
Shaun Wheeler |
Models (MD) |
67411: Grade 3-4, Level A (MD) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Abygale Boyd |
Needle Crafts (NC) |
Jr. Grand Champion |
67511: Grade 3 (NC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Gretchen Leis |
Needle Crafts (NC) |
Sr. Grand Champion |
67595: Grade 12 (NC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Pets (PT) |
Grand Champion |
84531: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (PT) |
Blue |
Champion |
Mason Abbott |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Jack Armstrong |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Grace Baker |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Justin Brewer |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Justin Brewer |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Justin Brewer |
Photography (PH) |
37035: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Creative-Experimental Digital Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Noah Brown |
Photography (PH) |
Grand Champion |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kaitlin Bugh |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Kaitlin Bugh |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Kaitlin Bugh |
Photography (PH) |
37035: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Creative-Experimental Digital Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Megan Calloway |
Photography (PH) |
37035: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Creative-Experimental Digital Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Megan Calloway |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Megan Calloway |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Megan Calloway |
Photography (PH) |
37031: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kacey Campbell |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Allison Cauble |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Kayla Cauble |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Allison Clodfelter |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Lauren Clodfelter |
Photography (PH) |
37011: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Tara Coats |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Marissa Collins |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Cameron Cornwell |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Cameron Cornwell |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
William Cummings |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brant Deaton |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Aryann Dennis |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Hays Ferriell |
Photography (PH) |
37011: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Sylvia Ferriell |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Hannah Fleenor |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kylee Fleenor |
Photography (PH) |
37021: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Annabelle Fleming |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Wesley Gibson |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Red |
Jarrod Gottbrath |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Jarrod Gottbrath |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Jarrod Gottbrath |
Photography (PH) |
37031: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Marissa Gray |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Marissa Gray |
Photography (PH) |
37021: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Molly Guetig |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Molly Guetig |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Bailey Hardwick |
Photography (PH) |
37024: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Audrey Heavin |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Ella Heavin |
Photography (PH) |
37025: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Creative-Experimental Digital Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jeanelle Henderson |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Leah Hobson |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Sydney Huckleberry |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Seth Jerrell |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Seth Jerrell |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Anna Kaelin |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Halle Kemp |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Rachel Kiefer |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Gracie Lewis |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Red |
Gracie Lewis |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Gracie Lewis |
Photography (PH) |
37025: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Creative-Experimental Digital Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Abby Maynard |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Abby Maynard |
Photography (PH) |
37011: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Triston Miller |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Madelyn Moore |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Madelyn Moore |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Elijah Morgan |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Emily Morgan |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Benjamin Morris |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Benjamin Morris |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Andrew Muchler |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Delana Nolan |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Kelton Nolan |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Eva O’Toole |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Claire Olesh |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Margaret Olesh |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Gage Prasil |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Delainey Predmore |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Delainey Predmore |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Delainey Predmore |
Photography (PH) |
37021: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Delainey Predmore |
Photography (PH) |
37024: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Melanie Purlee |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Raegan Richardson |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Mylee Robinson |
Photography (PH) |
37011: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Mylee Robinson |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Zackery Rogers |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Bailey Roll |
Photography (PH) |
37031: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Jerren Roll |
Photography (PH) |
37031: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Elijah Saylor |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Kirsten Sexton |
Photography (PH) |
37024: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Kirsten Sexton |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Vincent Shanks |
Photography (PH) |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Evan Smedley |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Casey Smith |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Noah Smith |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Eliza Starrett |
Photography (PH) |
37011: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Eliza Starrett |
Photography (PH) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
37012: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sawyer Starrett |
Photography (PH) |
37035: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Creative-Experimental Digital Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Sawyer Starrett |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Sawyer Starrett |
Photography (PH) |
37033: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Gabrielle Thixton |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Gabrielle Thixton |
Photography (PH) |
37021: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Champion |
Hannah Walker |
Photography (PH) |
37035: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Creative-Experimental Digital Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Hannah Walker |
Photography (PH) |
37034: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Haylie Walker |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Garrett Walton |
Photography (PH) |
37024: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Salon Print (PH) |
Blue |
Autumn Wheatley |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Blake White |
Photography (PH) |
37023: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Salon Print (PH) |
Red |
Reece Wineinger |
Photography (PH) |
37022: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Reece Wineinger |
Photography (PH) |
37021: Grade 6-8, Level 2, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Ava Woods |
Photography (PH) |
37011: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Erica Worley |
Photography (PH) |
37011: Grade 3-5, Level 1, Black & White Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Tyler Zink |
Photography (PH) |
37032: Grade 9-12, Level 3, Color Prints (PH) |
Blue |
Griffin Packwood |
Potato Tray (PO) |
84005: White, round type (PO) |
Blue |
Abygale Boyd |
Recycling (RC) |
82511: Division 1 (RC) |
Blue |
Brant Deaton |
Recycling (RC) |
Grand Champion |
82571: Division 7 (RC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sylvia Ferriell |
Recycling (RC) |
82511: Division 1 (RC) |
Blue |
Jenna Gilbert |
Recycling (RC) |
82511: Division 1 (RC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Kailey Glass |
Recycling (RC) |
82521: Division 2 (RC) |
Blue |
Bailey Hardwick |
Recycling (RC) |
82521: Division 2 (RC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Clayton Kelley |
Recycling (RC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
82551: Division 5 (RC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Chloey Sabens |
Recycling (RC) |
82571: Division 7 (RC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Sidney Smith |
Recycling (RC) |
82595: Division 10 (RC) |
Blue |
Eliza Starrett |
Recycling (RC) |
82511: Division 1 (RC) |
Blue |
Gabrielle Thixton |
Recycling (RC) |
82521: Division 2 (RC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jack Thixton |
Recycling (RC) |
82511: Division 1 (RC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Hunter Trainor |
Recycling (RC) |
82511: Division 1 (RC) |
Blue |
Karlee Voyles |
Recycling (RC) |
82531: Division 3 (RC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Zoe Wallace |
Recycling (RC) |
82551: Division 5 (RC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Brooklyn Gibson |
Scrapbooking (SP) |
67811: Grade 3-4, Level A (SP) |
Blue |
Champion |
Presley Gibson |
Scrapbooking (SP) |
67811: Grade 3-4, Level A (SP) |
Blue |
Mylee Robinson |
Scrapbooking (SP) |
67811: Grade 3-4, Level A (SP) |
Blue |
Amelia Saunders |
Scrapbooking (SP) |
67811: Grade 3-4, Level A (SP) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Faith Cummings |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
Grand Champion |
45063: Grade 8-12, Wearable, Suit or Coat (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Kylee Fleenor |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
Grand Champion |
45042: Grade 6, Non-Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Annabelle Fleming |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
45012: Grade 3, Non-Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Bailey Hardwick |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
45042: Grade 6, Non-Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Sarah Heightchew |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
45041: Grade 6, Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jeanelle Henderson |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
45031: Grade 5, Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Rachel Kiefer |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
45071: Grade 8-12, Non-Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Lillian McMillin |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
45052: Grade 7, Non-Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Madelyn Moore |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
45041: Grade 6, Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Emily Morgan |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
45062: Grade 8-12, Wearable, Dress up (SC) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Margaret Olesh |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
45062: Grade 8-12, Wearable, Dress up (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Amelia Saunders |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
45022: Grade 4, Non-Wearable (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sabrina Soliday |
Sewing Construction (SC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
45065: Grade 8-12, Wearable, Formal Wear (SC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Grace Baker |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
46011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (SS) |
Blue |
Champion |
Lindi Barksdale |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (SS) |
Blue |
Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (SS) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Allison Clodfelter |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
Grand Champion |
46021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SS) |
Blue |
Champion |
Ethan Collins |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (SS) |
Red |
Brooklyn Davisson |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SS) |
Blue |
Jaden Davisson |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (SS) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Luke Fleenor |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (SS) |
Blue |
Kaden Glass |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (SS) |
Blue |
Kailey Glass |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SS) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Evan Smedley |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SS) |
Blue |
Christopher Stephens |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (SS) |
Blue |
Karlee Voyles |
Shooting Sports Education (SS) |
46021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SS) |
Blue |
Jackson Brough |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85012: Cabbage, Round, flat or pointed type (SV) |
Blue |
Jackson Brough |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85028: Onions, Red, yellow or white (SV) |
Blue |
Jackson Brough |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85059: Squash, Zucchini or cocozelle (SV) |
Blue |
Jackson Brough |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85019: Cucumbers, Dill pickling (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Eva Bundy |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85007: Broccoli (SV) |
Blue |
Faith Cummings |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85016: Chard (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Faith Cummings |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85047: Radishes (SV) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85012: Cabbage, Round, flat or pointed type (SV) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85007: Broccoli (SV) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85027: Onions, Green (SV) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85057: Squash, Straight or gooseneck (summer squash) (SV) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jaden Davisson |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85059: Squash, Zucchini or cocozelle (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Cole Fleenor |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85047: Radishes (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Claire Olesh |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85059: Squash, Zucchini or cocozelle (SV) |
Blue |
Griffin Packwood |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85059: Squash, Zucchini or cocozelle (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Griffin Packwood |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85053: Squash, Butternut (SV) |
Blue |
Mylee Robinson |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85057: Squash, Straight or gooseneck (summer squash) (SV) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Amelia Saunders |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85007: Broccoli (SV) |
Blue |
Cora Saunders |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85007: Broccoli (SV) |
Blue |
Evan Smedley |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85059: Squash, Zucchini or cocozelle (SV) |
Blue |
Evan Smedley |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85007: Broccoli (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Evan Smedley |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
85012: Cabbage, Round, flat or pointed type (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Levi Wheatley |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85038: Peppers, Jalepeno type (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Sydney Wilson |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
85032: Peppers, Bell type (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
Aaron Wiseman |
Single Vegetable (SV) |
Grand Champion |
85027: Onions, Green (SV) |
Blue |
Champion |
William Cummings |
Small Engines (SE) |
Grand Champion |
47021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SE) |
Blue |
Champion |
Brett Murphy |
Small Engines (SE) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
47011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (SE) |
Blue |
Champion |
Evan Smedley |
Small Engines (SE) |
47021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SE) |
Red |
Abygale Boyd |
Sport Fishing (SF) |
49011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (SF) |
Red |
Blake White |
Sport Fishing (SF) |
Grand Champion |
49021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (SF) |
Blue |
Champion |
Abygale Boyd |
Sports (ST) |
79511: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (ST) |
Red |
Megan Calloway |
Sports (ST) |
79531: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (ST) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Triston Miller |
Sports (ST) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
79531: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (ST) |
Blue |
Champion |
Dallis Starrett |
Sports (ST) |
Grand Champion |
79521: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (ST) |
Blue |
Champion |
Reagan Wade-Swift |
Sports (ST) |
79531: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (ST) |
Blue |
Jackson Brough |
Tomato (TM ) |
86002: Tomatoes, Red, Canning (TM ) |
Blue |
Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Veterinary Science (VS) |
Grand Champion |
52031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (VS) |
Blue |
Champion |
Amelia Hendricks |
Veterinary Science (VS) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
52021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (VS) |
Blue |
Champion |
Nolan Campbell |
Weather and Climate Science (WC) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
53021: Grade 6-8, Level 2 (WC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Uriah Guthrie |
Weather and Climate Science (WC) |
Grand Champion |
53031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (WC) |
Blue |
Champion |
Megan Calloway |
Wildlife (WI) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
54031: Grade 9-12, Level 3 (WI) |
Blue |
Champion |
Adam Guthrie |
Wildlife (WI) |
Grand Champion |
54011: Grade 3-5, Level 1 (WI) |
Blue |
Champion |
Matthew Coats |
Woodworking (WW) |
55041: Grade 10-12, Level D (WW) |
Blue |
Tara Coats |
Woodworking (WW) |
55031: Grade 7-9, Level C (WW) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Jamesdon Collier |
Woodworking (WW) |
55011: Grade 3-4, Level A (WW) |
Blue |
Annabelle Fleming |
Woodworking (WW) |
55011: Grade 3-4, Level A (WW) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Asa Garvin |
Woodworking (WW) |
Grand Champion |
55021: Grade 5-6, Level B (WW) |
Blue |
Champion |
Bailey Hardwick |
Woodworking (WW) |
55021: Grade 5-6, Level B (WW) |
Blue |
Jacob Heightchew |
Woodworking (WW) |
55011: Grade 3-4, Level A (WW) |
Blue |
Rachel Kiefer |
Woodworking (WW) |
55041: Grade 10-12, Level D (WW) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Trevon Miller |
Woodworking (WW) |
Reserve Grand Champion |
55041: Grade 10-12, Level D (WW) |
Blue |
Champion |
Eva O’Toole |
Woodworking (WW) |
55021: Grade 5-6, Level B (WW) |
Blue |
Peyton Schneck |
Woodworking (WW) |
55021: Grade 5-6, Level B (WW) |
Blue |
Reserve Champion |
Karlee Voyles |
Woodworking (WW) |
55031: Grade 7-9, Level C (WW) |
Blue |
Flora Wade |
Woodworking (WW) |
55011: Grade 3-4, Level A (WW) |
Blue |
Champion |
Levi Wheatley |
Woodworking (WW) |
55021: Grade 5-6, Level B (WW) |
Blue |
Tyler Zink |
Woodworking (WW) |
55031: Grade 7-9, Level C (WW) |
Blue |
Champion |