A suspect has been arrested after an incident at Corydon Elementary School.
In a press release, Harrison County Prosecutor Otto Schalk said Mike Leighty, 29, entered Corydon Elementary School as students were being dismissed this afternoon, asking for help from a school resource officer.
Staff members at the school “immediately” noticed what was later determined to be a pellet gun in Leighty’s pocket.
According to the release, Leighty was then “calmly” escorted out of the building as the school went on lockdown.

Schalk said the active aggressor worked his way into the school on Friday afternoon.
School officials said staff immediately noticed what looked like the butt of a gun in his pocket. That’s when a staff member escorted the man outside.
“We had a parking lot full of parents, students were being prepared to dismiss for the day, doors were open so students could get out,” Dr. Mark Eastridge, Superintendent of South Harrison Schools said. “We’ve got to get about 600 students out of the building so during that time we had the doors open. And that student, excuse me, that individual took advantage of that situation to walk into the building.”
“Officer Duley running towards a man who he believed to be armed and placing himself in harm’s way certainly meets my definition of bravery and heroism,”Schalk said. “And every parent of a student at South Harrison school corporation should be grateful that he helps keep their children safe.”
The gun that was spotted in the man’s pocket was discovered to be a pellet gun, school officials said.