Home WSLM NEWS Local News IUS Concert Band To Play Nov. 11

IUS Concert Band To Play Nov. 11


The IU Southeast Music Department presents the IU Southeast Concert Band Phil Thomas, Director

Please join the IU Southeast Concert Band for an afternoon of great wind ensemble music as well as a musical tribute to our military veterans!

All veterans and active duty armed forces personnel receive free admission!

Featuring works by Karl L. King, Robert Jager, Haydn Wood and the world premiere of The Bourbon Trail, Concerto for English Horn and Band by Peter J. Felice.

Sunday, November 11, 2018 at 3:00 PM in the Ogle Center – Stem Concert Hall


Tickets are available at the Ogle Center Ticket Office by calling 812-941-2525 or online at oglecenter.com

In Advance: $10 adults / $8 seniors / $5 students

At Door:       $12 adults / $10 seniors / $5 students

All veterans and active duty armed forces personnel receive free admission!