October 22
Salem City Police
Marisa Bailey, 22, Salem
- Theft
October 23
Washington County Sheriff’s Department
Larry Mitchell Miller, 43, Marengo
- Violation of Probation – Operating While Intoxicated Endangering A Person
Patrick Todd Goodhue, 32, Mauckport
- Writ of Body Attachment
Steven Adrian Coats, 32, Borden
- Failure to Appear
Tiffany De-Palma, 19, Hardinsburg
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- False Informing
- Knowing or Intentionally Operating a Motor Vehicle without ever receiving a license
Jenna Ashcroft, 25, Madison
- Possession of Meth
- Dealing in Meth
Constance Marie Scanlon, 44, Salem
- Possession of Meth
- Neglect of a Dependent
- Neglect of a Dependent
- Dealing in Marijuana, Hash Oil, Hashish or Salvia
- Maintaining a Common Nuisance
- Possession of Marijuana, Hash Oil, Hashish or Salvia
- Possession of Paraphernalia
Salem Police Department
Shawn Kirtley, 32, Salem
- Operating While Intoxicated Per Se
- Operating A Vehicle While Intoxicated
October 24
Washington County Sheriff’s Department
Tyler Andrew Davidson, 19, Madison
- Possession of Meth
- Maintaining a Common Nuisance
Todd Michael Lester, 34, Salem
- Theft