Home WSLM NEWS Local News Traffic Stop For a Tail Light Out Leads to Felony Drug Charges

Traffic Stop For a Tail Light Out Leads to Felony Drug Charges


Last night a traffic stop for a tail light out led to the arrest of a Marion man on felony drug charges.  Just before 10 p.m. last night Trooper Blake Stephenson was sitting on the side of SR 13, in the area of Madison County Road 700 N. when he noticed a pickup driving by north bound with a tail light out. 

Stephenson pulled out and went after the vehicle and got it stopped on SR 13 just north of SR 128. As he spoke to the driver, Stephenson could smell the odor of alcohol and burnt marijuana inside the vehicle.  Elwood Officer Mills was nearby and came to assist Stephenson, along with two Madison County Deputies.

Further investigation by the officers found that the driver, Thaddeus Cardwell, age 27 of Marion, was operating with a suspended driver’s license as a Habitual Traffic Violator. Officers also located a rock substance believed to be Methamphetamine and white powder believed to be cocaine in the truck, along with alcohol. 

Although Cardwell had consumed alcohol he was not over the legal limit of .08% B.A.C.; However he was arrested for felony Possession of Methamphetamine and felony Possession of Cocaine, as well as felony Operating While License Suspended as a Habitual Traffic Violator. Cardwell was lodged in the Madison County Jail.