Emergency responders have searched the area downstream of the low head dam in Big Blue River in Edinburgh looking for a possible man who they believed fell into the water.
Responders are searching the area downstream from the reported incident in Edinburgh.
They are utilizing boat based searches, probing the shore with pike poles and viewing the area from above with drones.
The identity of the possible victim still remains unknown. Local law enforcement has been following up on leads as they have emerged, but at this point have not identified a missing person. They have watched surveillance video from local business, canvased the area and contacted local schools.
If anyone knows a person who matches the description of the possible victim from the Edinburgh area that is unaccounted for, please contact Johnson County Sheriff Dept.
At approximately 5 p.m., Thursday, a 911 caller reported they saw what they believed to be a male person on top of the dam.
He was described as a white male, blond hair, thin build and wearing a red shirt and blue jeans. The witness said the man entered the water and was swept downstream.
At this time the possible victim remains unidentified and no one has been reported missing from the Edinburgh area this evening. If anyone from the public knows of a person who has not returned home and fits the description of the victim, please contact Johnson County Sheriff Department at 317-736-5155.
Emergency responders will return in the morning to search the area with watercraft, drones and by foot.
Responding agencies include Indiana Conservation Officers, Johnson County Sheriff Dept, Edinburgh Police Department, Bargersville Fire Department, Franklin Fire Department, Shelby County Water Rescue Team, Columbus Fire Department and Ninevah Fire Department.