January 24
Washington County Sheriff’s Department
Bradley Norris, 29, Campbellsburg
- Operating an Off-Road Vehicle While Under the Influence
Indiana State Police
Troy David Earhart, 41, Salem
- Strangulation
- Domestic Battery
Nicholas Michael Daley, 24, Salem
- Intimidation
January 25
City of Salem Police
Jeremiah Scott Williams, 21, New Pekin
- Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated, Endangering a Person
- Operating a Vehicle With an Alcohol Equivalent of at least .15 grams
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated, Refusal
Katherine Saranam Johnston, 33, Indianapolis
- Possession of Paraphernalia
Derek Joseph Tanksley, 32, Salem
- Possession of Meth
- Visiting a Common Nuisance
Rosetta Lee Tanskley, 29, Salem
- Visiting a Common Nuisance
- Possession of a Syringe
Washington County Sheriff’s Department
Corey John Kommer, 29, Campbellsburg
- Intimidation with a Deadly Weapon
Michael Howard, 32, Seymour
- Writ of Body Attachment
Tyler Wayne Schocke, 22, Salem
- Petition to Revoke
January 26
Salem Police Department
Michelle Alexandria Livingston, 22, Salem
- Possession of a Syringe
- Visiting a Common Nuisance
- Possession or Use of a Legend Drug or Precursor
Charles Eli Sylvan Glenn, 25, Palmyra
- Possession of a Syringe
- Visiting a Common Nuisance
Steve H. Brown, 42, Salem
- Possession of Meth
- Maintaining a Common Nuisance
- Possession of Paraphernalia
- Possession of Marijuana, Hash Oil, Hashish or Salvia